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2021 APA Utah Fall Conference

September 9-10, 2021


Sessions listed chronologically.

= Keynote

Six Feet and Beyond – Fostering Public Participation During the COVID-19 Era

Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 1:34 PM

The difference between a good plan and a great plan is often community buy-in. Since 2020 the newly implemented COVID-19 restrictions severely impacted the usual public outreach efforts which consisted of hosting varied in-person events. This session highlights several methods (with tips and tricks) we used to get the public involved in projects over the last 2 years. It is our hope that these examples can be helpful in getting meaningful interactions even during challenging times. We believe public participation can still thrive through the pandemic and we can be even better for it.



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The Role of the Planning Commission?

Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 1:34 PM

Seasoned planning commissioners discuss ways to be effective, understanding what your role is as an individual commissioner, and a whole commission. Submitted questions and open Q&A.


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Better together: Creating, Belonging and Community

Thursday, September 09, 2021, 9:00 AM

Research shows that teams and organizations will increasingly thrive when they attract, retain, promote, and empower both men and women. This keynote will focus on practices, initiatives, and strategies that have been shown to help all employees—no matter gender, race, ethnicity, age, and ability— flourish in ways that benefit entities and communities. Discover ways to create belonging and community for yourself and others, while continuing to advance your own career.


no related speakers.

Townhome Tour – Mobile Workshop

Thursday, September 09, 2021, 10:00 AM

With interest in townhomes growing, come tour several recently constructed townhome developments in West Valley City. During this mobile workshop participants will see different examples of modern and more traditional townhomes with heights ranging from 1 to 3 stories. Learn how the City is steering townhome developments to specific areas of the City. Hear about the tools West Valley is using to improve the design and amenities of townhome projects.


no related speakers.


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Integrating Water and Land Use

Thursday, September 09, 2021, 10:15 AM

Water is essential to quality of life, economy, and our beautiful natural environment in Utah. Historically water and land use planning have occurred separately with land development expecting the tap to run after lots are built and plumbing is installed. The purpose of this session is to cover the absolute essentials of why and how integrating water and land use planning occurs, including some case studies and best practices, with a focus for land use planners. Attendees will come away with specific action items they may be able to implement within their own communities to better integrate water into the development process.


no related speakers.

Strengthening Your Influence as Women

Thursday, September 09, 2021, 10:15 AM

This session is designed to help you learn how to strengthen your influence by understanding more about confidence, identity, purpose, and common challenges. Dr. Madsen will also discuss how understanding and effectively navigating bias is particularly beneficial as well. Tips and tools will be shared so that you can immediately begin to strengthen your influence in your home, workplace, and community. Men who want to learn more about how they can help and encourage women are also welcome to join!


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The Architectural Story of Mid Valley Performing Arts Center Tour

Thursday, September 09, 2021, 11:00 AM

Tour Taylorsville’s new Centennial Plaza and experience an open space specially designed for community gatherings such as farmers markets, arts festivals, movies in the park, live performances, food truck gatherings, and more. Also observe the architectural and urban design techniques utilized to help meld two significant and distinct community buildings into a unified place.


no related speakers.


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Community Supported Small Business Incubation Retrospective: Lessons and Success Stories

Thursday, September 09, 2021, 11:10 AM

We take a look back at local examples of small business incubation in the community, from public partnerships to farmers’ markets, lessons learned, and success stories. This panel discussion will then discuss the need for local small business support to help make more economically resilient communities. This presentation will also hear via video the stories of small businesses that have succeeded with the support of incubator venues.


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Is Your City Missing Middle Housing?

Thursday, September 09, 2021, 11:10 AM

Middle housing building types play a critical role in the housing market and yet they’re underrepresented in the Utah market. This session will cover: what is Missing Middle Housing (MMH), availability in current housing stock, role of MMH for growth and attainability/affordability, and best practices. This session will include time for cities to share their MMH experiences and Q/A.


no related speakers.

Water Quantity and Quality Toolkits for Utah Planners

Thursday, September 09, 2021, 11:10 AM

Integrating water and land use planning is essential for smart growth in Utah, but many communities lack the time and resources necessary to successfully integrate these two processes. Accordingly, the Babbitt Center for Land and Water Policy and Western Resource Advocates developed a toolkit called the Utah Framework for Community Action. The Blacksmith Fork Soil Conservation Districts and the Bear River Association of Governments have developed a Water Quality Toolkit for Utah Planners. This session will detail the toolkits and attendees will come away with an understanding for how these toolkits can be utilized in their own communities.


no related speakers.

Shaping the Future by seeing how #CitiesWork

Thursday, September 09, 2021, 12:30 PM

#CitiesWork is a call to action for all cities and towns initiated by the Utah League of Cities and Towns. This effort will strive to connect and establish relationships between State Legislators and Cities in order to help educate them on how we work and the challenges we face as we plan for the future. Because many legislators have not served in local government, they may not understand the concept of local control or the impacts of legislation on local communities, including the unintended consequences of statewide policies. The #CitiesWork resource guide outlines three easy steps to tell your local story and develop a relationship with state leaders.


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Centennial Plaza Tour

Thursday, September 09, 2021, 1:30 PM

Tour Taylorsville’s new Centennial Plaza and experience an open space specially designed for community gatherings such as farmers markets, arts festivals, movies in the park, live performances, food truck gatherings, and more. Also observe the architectural and urban design techniques utilized to help meld two significant and distinct community buildings into a unified place.


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Billboards in Utah—Information for the Local Level

Thursday, September 09, 2021, 1:40 PM

Come listen to the story of billboards in Utah from a planner’s perspective – from Lady Bird Johnson’s 1965 highway beautification efforts to where we are today. This session is designed as an open-source ‘toolkit’ for use at the local level, enabling planners to inform and educate their respective city and county councils, planning commissions, state representatives, chambers of commerce, and others about Utah’s billboard laws, and the impacts of those laws on their local planning and community development efforts.


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Unmasking Transportation after COVID-19

Thursday, September 09, 2021, 1:40 PM

As we all begin to recover from COVID-19 we will see transportation behavior, along with land use markets and ways of recreating, find a new normal. Let’s come together to discuss the latest data and share ideas for how communities can shape and build upon these new dynamics to build a better future.


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Planning for Community Resiliency: Looking Beyond Hazard Response

Thursday, September 09, 2021, 1:40 PM

The past year and a half have underscored the need for community resilience planning. Who could have predicted a global pandemic paired with localized issues of earthquakes and severe droughts? Yet frameworks of resiliency thinking allow planners to do just that – prepare for and adapt to the unexpected, aiming not just to survive but to thrive. Join Long Range Planners and partners from the Greater Salt Lake Municipal Services District (MSD) as they explore:

  • What it means to be resilient community
  • How planning for resiliency differs between a more traditional municipality and a campus setting
  • What lessons MSD planners have learned during the past year of planning in diverse Salt Lake County communities.

The presentation will be followed by a group discussion of the future of resilience planning in Utah and the tools that may help regional planners lead the state forward.


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Creating a Community Gathering Place

Thursday, September 09, 2021, 2:35 PM

Taylorsville’s original 1997 General Plan called for the area surrounding Taylorsville City Hall to be a community “gathering place and activity center.” Now, nearly 25 years later, that 1997 vision has been realized with the construction of Centennial Plaza. This new community open space integrates Taylorsville City Hall and the newly constructed Mid-Valley Performing Arts Center and creates a place specially designed for future community gatherings. Learn how architecture, landscape, and urban design unite to help create a place of both beauty and function.


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Effects of Light-Rail Transit and Bus Rapid Transit on Traffic in a Travel Corridor

Thursday, September 09, 2021, 2:35 PM

In studies for the Utah Transit Authority and Utah Department of Transportation, the Metropolitan Research Center at the University of Utah has quantified the impacts of fixed guideway transit lines on traffic in transit corridors. The session will delve into reasons why the BRT impact was less than the LRT impact, and implications for transit investments in the region. It will also discuss the recent decline in LRT ridership, the recent increase in traffic on 400 South, and the lack of affordable housing in those new apartment buildings along 400 South.


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Main Street Revitalization – An overview and economic development strategy

Thursday, September 09, 2021, 3:30 PM

As communities are looking to reinvest in their traditional downtown cores and commercial districts, there are many questions in reference to “the best” process and what some of the expected return on investment will be. Enter the Main Street model, a four point approach adopted by the National Main Street Center over 40 years ago and still being used today across the country to drive grass roots or locally based downtown revitalization. Our lecture will provide participants with a high-level oversight for the main street model, benefits of implementation, processes for being included in the newly adopted UT Main Street program.


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Ombudsman – 15 years of Advisory Opinions

Thursday, September 09, 2021, 3:30 PM

In 2006 the Utah Legislature charged the Office of the Property Rights Ombudsman with resolving land use disputes by preparing advisory opinions on land use law when asked to do so by a party. This session will discuss an overview of the issues resolved by the 235 opinions published in the first fifteen years as well as a general discussion on land use law topics raised by the audience.


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Planner Ethics – Change is Coming

Thursday, September 09, 2021, 3:30 PM

Two years ago, the APA and AICP Boards appointed a Task Force to consider possible revisions to the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. The Code’s “Aspirational Principles” and “Rules of Conduct” have not been reviewed since 2005. The Ethical Principles in Planning have not been updated since 1992. Discussions are now occurring that the Code of Ethics (revisions pending) may apply to all planners, whether AICP members or not. This session will review the ethics issues being discussed and how these changes will affect the ethical responsibilities and obligations of all planners.


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Welcome/Chapter Meeting

Friday, September 10, 2021, 8:30 AM

Overview of the progress made by the APA Utah chapter over the past year and presentation of the objectives and action items for the year to come.


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Density, Inventory and Price: Potential legislative initiatives to address Utah’s housing crisis

Friday, September 10, 2021, 9:00 AM

For several years now, Utah and many other areas have been in the midst of a housing affordability crisis. While there are many reasons for it, one that has garnered particular attention has been local land use practices, prompting regulatory and legislative initiatives. In Utah, the crisis has, among other things, led to the formation of task forces by business and government groups, and the establishment of a state level Commission on Housing Affordability. Rep. Steve Waldrip currently serves as the House co-chair of this Commission, which has been considering a number of policy proposals for recommendation for legislative action. Rep. Waldrip will talk about some of these policy considerations, their relative strengths and weaknesses, and their potential for legislative action in the upcoming session of the Utah State Legislature.


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Explore the Jordan River Parkway Part 1 : Big Bend Preserve Walking Tour

Friday, September 10, 2021, 10:00 AM

The Jordan River is a unique river and watershed. It is 50 miles in length, connecting Utah’s two largest water bodies — from Utah Lake to the Great Salt Lake. Over the past two decades the cities, counties, special service districts, and state and federal agencies that have regulatory and jurisdictional oversight of the river are increasingly working together to revitalize and improve the river corridor, commonly known today as the Jordan River Parkway. This mobile workshop series will introduce participants to some of the best emerging elements of the Jordan River Parkway in West Jordan, Murray and Taylorsville.


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Fairbourne Station – Mobile Workshop

Friday, September 10, 2021, 10:00 AM

Come learn about and tour Fairbourne Station, West Valley City’s downtown. During this mobile workshop participants will learn about the genesis of Fairbourne Station and tour the mix of office, residential, hospitality, medical, and civic uses that are the result of many years of redevelopment efforts. Learn how the City’s involvement in this development has been critical to its success.


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Dark Sky Planning along the Wasatch Front

Friday, September 10, 2021, 10:10 AM

Utah has become the leader of dark-sky tourism in the world and many national and state parks have been certified “dark sky” parks, including two rural communities. However, continued urban growth will increasingly threaten Utah’s remote places’ ability to retain their dark skies despite their steward’s best efforts. This session will explore strategies that urban communities can engage in to limit the expansion of light pollution and skyglow from the Wasatch Front.


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How Are We Doing? Updates on Moderate Income Housing Plans and Accessory Dwelling Unit Ordinances

Friday, September 10, 2021, 10:10 AM

October 1st triggers the compliance date for HB82 internal accessory dwelling units. Open discussion to share implementation and discussion with fellow members. December 1 triggers the reporting requirement for submittal of the Moderate Income Housing Plan. We will share resources and provide any updates on the form and what changes may occur in 2022. Come with your story to share and questions as we all navigate these requirements together.


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Planning for Utah’s New Climate

Friday, September 10, 2021, 10:10 AM

2021’s heat and extreme weather have been a wake-up call, but experts say in fact Utah’s climate has undergone a long-term change. What will this change mean for communities? How can we prepare for it? What will it mean for our economy, for the environment and how people live their lives? Can we do anything to slow or reverse the change?


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The Heber Vision, General Plan and Ordinance Work

Friday, September 10, 2021, 10:10 AM

Learn about the importance of Visioning in your general planning process through the Heber Vision/General Plan story. Consider this innovative planning process that can work for your community.


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Disaster Resilience in Utah

Friday, September 10, 2021, 11:20 AM

Members of the Utah Division of Emergency Management’s (DEM) Mitigation and Recovery team will be discussing disaster resilience, what it means for Utah, and how planners can leverage existing resources and opportunities to develop comprehensive resilience plans for their communities.


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Housing Tools 101 For Elected and Appointed Officials

Friday, September 10, 2021, 11:20 AM

IZ? TOD w/MIHP? Confused? Let’s decipher the acronyms into action! Come to a rapid fire introduction to the housing programs, and tools to consider in your community.


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Re-Envisioning Intermountain West Cemeteries

Friday, September 10, 2021, 11:20 AM

The Re-Envisioning of Intermountain West Cemeteries aims to create environmentally rich, thoughtfully planned, walkable green spaces that celebrate the macro (community) and micro (individual) history of an area. This is done in three parts: 1. Planning, through policies and procedure to ensure cities allow for best practices; 2. Landscaping, creating water-wise, eco-beneficial landscapes that highlight an area’s native flora and fauna; and 3. History and Preservation, memorializing community and individual histories through art, memorials and intentional care of records and headstones. By weaving these three project aspects together, communities will be empowered to create impactful community spaces.


no related speakers.

The Asset-Based Community Development Institute Training

Friday, September 10, 2021, 11:20 AM

Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) is a strategy for sustainable community-driven development. The appeal of ABCD for planners lies in its premise that planners can facilitate communities to drive the development process themselves by identifying and mobilizing existing, but often unrecognized assets, and thereby responding to and creating local opportunities. The six assets we will discuss are (1) individuals, (2) associations, (3) institutions, (4) physical space, (5) exchange and economy, (6) culture, history, and stories. The key is for planners to begin to use what is already in the community.


no related speakers.

The Power of Planners and Planning

Friday, September 10, 2021, 12:30 PM

We are all struggling with the challenges of this time in history. The environmental, social and political challenges are all acute – both nationally and at the local level throughout Utah. In this moment planners have never been more important! Becker will talk about the role we might now play and how we might “lean into” our current challenges.


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Explore the Jordan River Parkway Part 2 : Murray-Taylorsville Paddling Tour

Friday, September 10, 2021, 1:30 PM

Part 2 will include paddling a scenic stretch of the Jordan River from Winchester Park, located at 1250 W Winchester (approximately 6700 South) to Little Cottonwood Creek Confluence at Little Confluence Trailhead Park, located at 677 W 4800 South. Participants will learn about current efforts underway to address water quality, open space preservation, restoration, weed management, bank stabilization, and outdoor recreation development efforts by the Jordan River Commission, Murray City, Salt Lake County, Utah Division of Water Quality and other partners. Participants should wear casual clothes and shoes that might get damp or wet during the paddle tour.


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Critical City Design Elements to Know for Planning Commissioners

Friday, September 10, 2021, 1:40 PM

Planning Commissioners play a critical role in shaping growth, land development, neighborhoods, and downtowns. This session will cover the most important elements of planning and design for cities and land development. Every planning commissioner should be familiar with these areas and planning/design principles. The rapid fire presentations will be given by multiple professionals from various backgrounds. Topics to include: historic patterns, centers, active transportation, street networks, housing choices, parks, transect methodology, densities in the right place, walkability, and water wise design.


no related speakers.


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Is Transit-Oriented Development Affordable for Low and Moderate Income Households?

Friday, September 10, 2021, 1:40 PM

In a study funded by the National Institute for Transportation and Communities, the Metropolitan Research Center at the University of Utah has surveyed transit agencies, metropolitan planning organizations, and city transportation departments to compile a complete inventory of TODs across the nation that are served by rail and meet eight other criteria: (1) adjacent or nearly adjacent to rail stations, (2) dense and multistory, (3) mixed-use with residential and commercial, (4) pedestrian-friendly with public space, (5) built after rail opened, (6) largely built out, (7) with their own parking facilities, and (8) master-planned.


no related speakers.

Taking Regional Solutions into Local Hands: Transportation Planning in Southwest Salt Lake County

Friday, September 10, 2021, 1:40 PM

The Southwest Salt Lake County Transportation Analysis and Solutions Development project is an example of an innovative approach to a common issue among fast-growing cities along the Wasatch Front: the time gap between planned transportation infrastructure improvements and the pace of population and employment growth. The Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC), the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT), and the Utah Transit Authority (UTA) in partnership with Salt Lake County and the cities and townships in the southwest corner of Salt Lake County successfully completed this study to analyze potential solutions that would help minimize congestion, provide transit alternatives, and connect the bicycle network.


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The Creating Communities Guide: Planning Mixed-Use Centers

Friday, September 10, 2021, 1:40 PM

Envision Utah’s long-awaited guide to mixed-use centers is here! Learn more about the Creating Communities Guide and how to use it to creative vibrant places in your community. The guide is a resource for city councils, city planners and staff, mayors, and anyone looking to learn more about planning to preserve our quality of life. Our walk through of the guide will cover what centers are, how to implement them, and the benefits of centers from housing to transportation to open space.


no related speakers.

Group Decisions

Friday, September 10, 2021, 2:35 PM

The dynamics of interacting with your fellow council or commission members, as you deliberate in front of the public.


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(Re)Introducing the Governors’ Office of Planning & Budget

Friday, September 10, 2021, 2:35 PM

During the 2021 legislative session, HB 326 re-introduced planning into the name of the Governor’s Office of Planning & Budget (formerly Governor’s Office of Management and Budget). The office will streamlined planning, budgeting, efficiency improvement, and economic functions as Utah grows, understanding that proactive planning leads to cost-effective investments into quality of life for future generations. This session will be a workshop format.


no related speakers.

Bicycling Cities: Next Steps in Utah’s Bicycle Evolution

Friday, September 10, 2021, 2:35 PM

The cities you know as bike meccas had to create those conditions. Can communities in Utah achieve similar results? Utah’s obstacles to building bike infrastructure here are unique and will require customized strategies. Come join the roundtable to discuss key challenges and solutions. Let’s share and network.


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Dr. Strangeportation or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Prepare for the Future

Friday, September 10, 2021, 2:35 PM

Transportation is changing, and so should our planning. Our the last year, Utah’s Unified Transportation Plan partners have been studying the external forces (for instance, telecommuting, autonomous vehicles, e-commerce, micromobility, and high-tech transit) that may significantly change our regional transportation systems and travel behavior. How will our travel change? What does this mean for our future plans and anticipated projects?


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APA Utah Book Club: Introduction & Discussion of A City is Not a Tree: 50th Anniversary Edition

Friday, September 10, 2021, 3:30 PM

City planners across the country have been organizing and participating in book discussions on city planning and related literature for AICP certification maintenance (CM) credit. These educational events have provided lively group discussions, professional development, and socializing opportunities. Likewise, APA Utah recently selected A City is Not a Tree: 50th Anniversary Edition for review and discussion. Whether you have read this landmark critique of modern urban design or not, everyone is welcome to attend this session and be inspired by great ideas and friendly discussions.


no related speakers.

Land Use Ethics for Planners

Friday, September 10, 2021, 3:30 PM

This session will explore real-world scenarios where those involved can discuss appropriate responses to ethical issues.


no related speakers.


Wednesday, March 23, 2022, 1:00 PM


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Kanab: Adventure’s Base

Wednesday, March 23, 2022, 1:10 PM

Kanab is at the center of the region with incredible places to hike and camp. Thus tourism is the biggest employer in Kane County and vital to the economy. I will provide a personal perspective of hikes in some of the spectacular places around Kanab, including Grand Canyon and the Kaibab Forest, Zion and Bryce Canyon national parks, Grand Staircase and Lake Powell, etc. Following this some of the planning issues Kanab has dealt with will be discussed, including night sky protection, regulating short-term rentals, Hwy 89 thru downtown, a western development theme, and related issues will be briefly covered.



Empowering Communities through the GNAR Initiative

Wednesday, March 23, 2022, 1:50 PM

Now more than ever, “gateway” communities in Utah and the West are facing unprecedented challenges that threaten the qualities that make them such desirable places to live. In this session you will learn how the Gateway & Natural Amenity Region (GNAR) Initiative empowers western communities to thrive while preserving the things that make them special. You will see real examples of how communities have benefited from our education resources, capacity building tools, and our evidence-based research.



East Zions Inter-local Trail Success- Trail Planning and Resources for Rural Utah

Wednesday, March 23, 2022, 1:50 PM

Utah is experiencing unprecedented legislative interest and support to fund trail projects throughout the State. How can your locality take advantage of these bolstered trail development programs? Speakers at this session will share exciting updates to existing funding programs and what this means for rural Utah. They will share their insights on how to leverage your localities strength to procure grant funding, from both state and federal sources.


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Ethics Update

Wednesday, March 23, 2022, 1:50 PM

Two years ago, the APA and AICP Boards appointed a Task Force to consider possible revisions to the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. The Code’s “Aspirational Principles” and “Rules of Conduct” have not been reviewed since 2005. The Ethical Principles in Planning have not been updated since 1992. Discussions are now occurring that the Code of Ethics (revisions pending) may apply to all planners, whether AICP members or not. The Task Force has now finalized Report and the 2022 Ethics update is now in effect. Revisions include items regarding equity and social justice, sexual harassment, discrimination, and other issues related to the use and interpretation of the Ethics Code(s). This session will review the updated ethics issues and how these changes will affect the ethical responsibilities and obligations of all planners.


no related speakers.


Inclusive Planning: Connecting with Diverse Communities in Outreach and Public Engagement

Wednesday, March 23, 2022, 2:45 PM

Utah’s growing diversity is a key contributor to the economic and social vibrancy of our cities and towns. Local governments and planning bodies are required to meet a minimum standard of public noticing and public engagement; but does the status quo unintentionally leave diverse voices out of planning conversations? What do we lose when this happens? Dr. Lucero will focus on the basics of inclusive public engagement – its benefits, challenges, design, and implementation. She will share insights from her community involvement and research in Cache County, and attendees will leave with actionable steps to more effectively engage diverse perspectives in the planning process.



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Fast & Funny Planning Game

Wednesday, March 23, 2022, 2:45 PM

Fast and Funny will connect you to peers around the State and expose the less glamorous aspects of land use planning. Come bond through shared suffering and laughter as contestants compete for fabulous prizes by sharing the infuriating, the outrageous, and the downright hilarious stories they’ve experienced in their planning careers. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll kiss 75 minutes goodbye. Crowdsource solutions to coping with public clamor, out-of-order officials, and poorly-prepared presenters.



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Hindsight 20/20 2022

Wednesday, March 23, 2022, 2:45 PM

We often hear the phrase “hindsight is 20/20”. As planners we regularly look 10-20 years into the future to do our work. This session will provide advice from urban counties on what they wish they would have known and/or done 20 years ago.



Disaster Resilience Project (THE BIG ONE)

Wednesday, March 23, 2022, 3:45 PM

Utah’s natural climate and geography put it at a high risk of a major disaster disrupting the state’s economy and impacting the lives of millions. In fact, the Wasatch Fault has a 43% chance of experiencing a 6.75 or greater magnitude earthquake in the next 50 years, and experts project that such an event would be among the deadliest disasters in U.S. history. A major earthquake on the Wasatch Front would also leave hundreds of thousands of Utahns without shelter while interrupting power, water, sewer, and road service for most of the population—potentially for months.

Envision Utah, recognizing the gaps in resiliency, launched a disaster effort in 2020 to convene key stakeholders and determine the best strategies to improve Utah’s resiliency. During this effort, Envision Utah partnered with the Utah Seismic Safety Commission to present seismic recommendations during the 2022 Legislative Session to address the most urgent vulnerabilities.

During the APA Utah Spring Conference Session, Ryan Beck from Envision Utah will present the seismic risk and resiliency gaps in the Wasatch Front, an overview of the Envision Utah stakeholder process, legislative recommendations, and next steps to continue to improve resiliency in Utah.


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Legal Considerations for Short-term Rentals

Wednesday, March 23, 2022, 3:45 PM

Looking to regulate short-term rentals? We’ll talk about the changes to state statute made last year that affect regulating and enforcing violations for short-term rentals. We’ll also talk about what you can (or, really what you cannot) do about existing short-term rentals in your areas.


no related speakers.


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Book Club—Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City

Wednesday, March 23, 2022, 3:45 PM

APA Utah has selected Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City by sociologist Matthew Desmond for our next Chapter Book Discussion. In Evicted, Desmond follows eight different families in Milwaukee who are struggling to keep a roof over their heads. This critical work on poverty, housing, and economic exploitation in America today highlights many factors all planners should understand. We look forward to hearing your thoughts and lessons learned from reading Evicted. For more information about the book, and additional resources on the topic, please visit


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Welcome/WM Smart Truck

Thursday, March 24, 2022, 8:00 AM


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WM Smart Truck

Thursday, March 24, 2022, 8:15 AM



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Destination Management: Rethinking the Role of Tourism

Thursday, March 24, 2022, 8:30 AM

Over the past decade Utah has become a premier destination for visitors, introducing new challenges and opportunities to communities across the state. Join a discussion on how the Utah Office of Tourism is working to build a sustainable tourism industry that benefits and preserves our state. Learn how the state is pursuing destination management and development, strategic partnerships, and other ways to keep Utah Forever Mighty®



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Networking Break

Thursday, March 24, 2022, 9:20 AM


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The Vernal Downtown Plan—Modeling a Walkable Community that Celebrates Cultural Identity and Place

Thursday, March 24, 2022, 9:35 AM

Vernal’s Downtown Plan, recently completed in October 2021, focuses on thirteen blocks surrounding the intersection of Main St. (HWY 40) and Vernal Ave. (HWY 191). The City initiated this planning effort because although Vernal’s Downtown character is both historic and charming, there are many vacant storefronts and evenings are relatively quiet. Additionally, these two major road corridors are noisy and due to the large volume of semi-trucks, can feel unsafe. This plan identifies strategies that aim to draw visitors and residents into the downtown and out of their cars to shop, dine and socialize. Through extensive public engagement and coordination with UDOT, this plan incorporates the diverse feedback received into a conceptual plan, design guidelines and implementation strategy. This presentation will cover the nine-month design process and actions taken by the city following its completion. You will hear from members of the design team and Vernal’s City Manager.


Land Use Training

Thursday, March 24, 2022, 9:35 AM


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ADUs/IADUs in your Community

Thursday, March 24, 2022, 10:35 AM

Discussion of HB-82 for IADUs, and the mandates put in place by the state to address the lack of affordable housing. IADUs are a permitted use in residential zoning district. ADUs and the difference between the two types of units. What’s allowed and what’s not allowed, etc.


Lunch Keynote: Legislative Update

Thursday, March 24, 2022, 11:35 AM

2022 Legislative Update–The APA UT Legislative Committee co-chairs will bring you up to speed on the latest and greatest, real-time happenings in the 2022 legislative session.


no related speakers.

Religious Land Use And Institutionalized Persons Act —What Planners Need to Know about RLUIPA

Thursday, March 24, 2022, 1:15 PM

The Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act, commonly known by its acronym RLUIPA, is a federal law requiring local governments to implement land use regulations without (1) burdening the exercise of religion by religious institutions or (2) the rights of institutionalized persons. We’ll briefly review the Act while highlighting best practices and issues to look out for. This should be a brief, highly practical session.


no related speakers.


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Trail Planning and Resources for Rural Utah

Thursday, March 24, 2022, 1:15 PM

Utah is experiencing unprecedented legislative interest and support to fund trail projects throughout the State. How can your locality take advantage of these bolstered trail development programs? Speakers at this session will share exciting updates to existing funding programs and what this means for rural Utah. They will share their insights on how to leverage your localities strength to procure grant funding, from both state and federal sources.


no related speakers.


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Keeping the Momentum: Successes, Lessons Learned, and Next Steps for the Greater Zion Region

Thursday, March 24, 2022, 1:15 PM

Leaders in the Greater Zion area are tackling the challenges unique to their region by employing methods Utah planners, elected officials, and land managers can learn from. This session will focus on what happens after plans are made, hands are shook, and the ribbons are cut; it will focus on the grind of implementation. Speakers will use their experience working on the multiple initiatives underway in East Zion and the region beyond to illustrate the power of partnerships and collaboration to ensure a better future for their communities.


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Tell Your City’s Story

Thursday, March 24, 2022, 1:55 PM

How historic preservation planning in your city can help cultivate a more sustainable community and benefit generations to come.


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Ethics Update 2022

Thursday, March 24, 2022, 1:55 PM

Two years ago, the APA and AICP Boards appointed a Task Force to consider possible revisions to the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. The Code’s “Aspirational Principles” and “Rules of Conduct” have not been reviewed since 2005. The Ethical Principles in Planning have not been updated since 1992. Discussions are now occurring that the Code of Ethics (revisions pending) may apply to all planners, whether AICP members or not. The Task Force has now finalized Report and the 2022 Ethics update is now in effect. Revisions include items regarding equity and social justice, sexual harassment, discrimination, and other issues related to the use and interpretation of the Ethics Code(s). This session will review the updated ethics issues and how these changes will affect the ethical responsibilities and obligations of all planners.


no related speakers.


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Ethics Update 2022

Thursday, March 24, 2022, 1:55 PM

Two years ago, the APA and AICP Boards appointed a Task Force to consider possible revisions to the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. The Code’s “Aspirational Principles” and “Rules of Conduct” have not been reviewed since 2005. The Ethical Principles in Planning have not been updated since 1992. Discussions are now occurring that the Code of Ethics (revisions pending) may apply to all planners, whether AICP members or not. The Task Force has now finalized Report and the 2022 Ethics update is now in effect. Revisions include items regarding equity and social justice, sexual harassment, discrimination, and other issues related to the use and interpretation of the Ethics Code(s). This session will review the updated ethics issues and how these changes will affect the ethical responsibilities and obligations of all planners.


no related speakers.


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Golf Event—East Zion Golf Course

Thursday, March 24, 2022, 4:00 PM


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Friday, March 25, 2022, 8:00 AM



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Where’s the Market Going and How Do We Adapt?

Friday, March 25, 2022, 8:15 AM

  • A changing retail and office landscape
  • Reconsidering highest and best use in a new environment
  • Why economic development tools are more important now than ever
  • Rethinking the approach to residential development
  • Know your city – what data determines your decisions


no related speakers.


Small Town Politics, When Public Safety Is On The Line

Friday, March 25, 2022, 9:25 AM

Come hear about lessons learned when trying to relocate a small town police station and jail from the basement of a 1939 fire station turned city hall. How did positive public sentiment get checked against financial conservatism and the proverbial band aid approach to maintaining facilities? How were the citizens engaged, alternatives assessed, process made transparent, and elected officials involved?


no related speakers.


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U.S. 89 Progressive Design Build’s Digital Stakeholder Engagement

Friday, March 25, 2022, 9:25 AM

The Utah Department of Transportation has set a high bar for public involvement and stakeholder outreach. UDOT’s U.S. 89 project communications team supported the department’s goal and raised the bar when we opened the gates of transparency and offered up an abundance of information through two digital engagement platforms: a dashboard that hosted an online open house and a project-specific Facebook Group (6,100+ members strong as of December 2021). While digital engagement can be a critical tool to educate, inform, and collaborate with the public, the communications team was met with a spectrum of reactions, varying from frustration with a perceived lack of detail to praise for our unexpected transparency and willingness to incorporate public feedback. We will review our strategy, practice and results using multiple digital communication tactics and assess best practices, “hits” and “misses”, and engage the group in a lively discussion about perfecting the craft.


Sensitive Lands

Friday, March 25, 2022, 9:25 AM

Why so sensitive? While some would argue that natural landscapes (like people) also have feelings, sensitive lands actually refer to areas where we should consider modifying or avoiding development in order to protect public health, safety, and welfare. If sensitive lands have you down, then this session is for you! Attendees will leave with a framework for understanding what sensitive lands are and why they should be protected as well as examples of “sensitive lands success” from across the state. Don’t cry, just try to be sensitive.



Utah Water Challenges in the Age of Extreme Weather

Friday, March 25, 2022, 10:15 AM

This panel presentation will explore the increasingly important role that water planning has on communities – from the perspective of a scientist, local government and from the state. Seth Arens will discuss the two ends of hydrologic extremes in Utah, drought and flooding, which were both present in near-record forms during 2021, and projections of what to expect in the future. Laura Hanson will discuss the state’s long-term planning approach to help mitigate these extremes. And Mayor Rosenberg will discuss strategies and actions that can be taken within the local government to better prepare cities to navigate challenges of drought and flooding.


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Planning for Public Land Access and Responsible Stewardship

Friday, March 25, 2022, 10:15 AM

Utah’s Public Land Policy Coordinating Office will discuss the updates to the State and County Resource Management Plans and will provide an overview of the Access Map 360° web application that highlights roads that provide access to Utah’s public lands.


Annexation—State Law

Friday, March 25, 2022, 10:15 AM

State Law (handout of steps), Heber and Herriman examples stressing the ability to negotiate while in an annexation process through a development agreement


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Looking Forward: The Rural Landscape in 2032

Friday, March 25, 2022, 11:10 AM

To be “rural” means different things to different people. Likewise, to be a “planner” means a lot of different things to different people. One common identifier is that planners look ahead. The purpose of this session is to gather planners that work with rural issues (that’s you) for an interactive discussion (with you) on what rural Utah will look like in the next 10 years, and what we can do now to maximize its positive potential. Rural Community Consultants will moderate the session, and it will only be as inspirational, informative, and as irreverent as you make it. There might be a t-shirt cannon.



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Your Turn

Friday, March 25, 2022, 11:10 AM

Open forum session to answer PC and CC questions.


no related speakers.


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Keynote: Alan Matheson

Thursday, September 08, 2022, 9:00 AM

Join us for a discussion about the development of nearly 700 acres of state-owned property called ‘The Point’. Widely recognized as one of the most important economic development opportunities in state history, The Point offers unprecedented potential to create an innovation hub that fosters technological advancement, facilitates mixed-use urban areas and preserves parks and open space.



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The Mayor’s Perspective

Thursday, September 08, 2022, 10:00 AM

Maintaining Community Character: The cities of Bluffdale, Draper, and Lehi – located along the rapidly growing at the Point of the Mountain – have a rich historical character. The pressures of growth can wear at that fabric if not addressed. Hear what these communities are doing to maintain and evolve community character and make connections between the old and new residents of their towns – from the perspectives of their Mayors. A panel of mayors from these cities will present their perspectives.


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The Swiss Army Knife for Housing: Communications, Data and Best Practices

Thursday, September 08, 2022, 10:00 AM

Utah is in a housing crisis with prices having doubled in just the last 5 years. This session will present a handful of new communications and analytical resources to help planners as you help your community grapple with and adapt to these challenges. These resources are helpful technically for planners to understand how to proceed and also critical for having a community conversation about housing.



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Lehi Active Transportation Mobile Tour With Lime Ebikes

Thursday, September 08, 2022, 10:00 AM

Come check out some new active transportation improvements including the I-15 grade separated bike/pedestrian crossing, frontage road trails, and new bike/pedestrian bridge over the Timpanogos Highway and see what Lehi is doing to plan for additional improvements to encourage walking and cycling.



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Planning Gone Wrong

Thursday, September 08, 2022, 10:00 AM

Thomas takes a funny look a bad planning and engineering projects from around the world. This presentation is filled with silly images, but also tries to highlight some lessons that can be learned from other people’s mistakes. Some projects are ill-conceived, some projects with failed execution, some projects just completely bewildering. Thomas reviews them and shares their story.


no related speakers.


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ADUs: More Housing or Just More Hassle?

Thursday, September 08, 2022, 11:10 AM

In 2021, the state legislature passed a bill stipulating that in most residential zones in most municipalities, Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) that were located within a primary residential dwelling, were now permitted uses. The intent was to make up for the large deficit in dwelling units constructed over the past decade, and to provide some that would be more affordable. This action followed a national trend to address housing affordability, with mandating ADUs being viewed as easy, low-hanging fruit. So has it worked? Are there more ADUs being built and occupied in communities around the state? If not, why not? What other factors may be affecting the lack of proliferation of ADUs? Will these factors lead to more action in the upcoming legislative session? What about external ADUs? We’ll try to address these and other questions about ADUs with our panel of experts in this session.


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Community Character

Thursday, September 08, 2022, 11:10 AM

Growth just keeps rolling into our communities. How do we shape that growth to retain our community character? How do we retain the features of our community, the features that we value, before they disappear? Learn about Summit County’s Villages Overlay that is intended to promote the compact villages that reflect the heritage of the county. Learn about two Transfer of Development Rights programs – one that preserved 750 open space acres in Mapleton and another that is just starting in Spanish Fork (with a great video!) and meant to retain the agricultural character of the River Bottoms. Growing together to preserve our community character has become an important issue across our state, as communities grapple with increased development pressure.


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Holbrook Farms Master Planned Community Bike Tour

Thursday, September 08, 2022, 11:10 AM

Exploring the successes and challenges of active transportation and mix of housing types in a 3,000 unit master planned project.



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Developing Income Restricted Housing

Thursday, September 08, 2022, 11:10 AM

Affordable housing is a hot topic in Utah with the State and cities grappling with how to combat the housing crisis and how to provide more affordable housing. As planners we know that creating these units is not an easy task, nor is it something that we can do on our own. Most planners rarely get an opportunity to be involved in the creation of affordable housing, or work with possible public/private partnerships for the creation of affordable housing. It’s something that all planners are going to have to learn more about as cities work with the state and developers to add additional affordable housing units to the States housing stock. Join Corey Johnson and Adam Lankford with Wasatch Residential and Rep. Waldrip for a discussion on how developers create affordable housing and the State Legislatures take on affordable housing. The session will include a tour of the Veranda Apartments, an income restricted development by Wasatch Residential.


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Lunch/Ethics Session: Ethics for Reals

Thursday, September 08, 2022, 12:00 PM

Every day, all planners, citizen and professional alike, and regardless of their location or planning activity, face ethical dilemmas. A Planning Commission meeting item has not been properly noticed but rescheduling to next month’s meeting will cause a burden to the applicant. As a Planning Commissioner, what should I do? Can I act on a Planning Commission item, when the staff says some application requirements are missing? Can I support a development that is supported economically but places negative impacts on the community’s resources, including water? My neighbor has made a development application. I should step aside but I am the sole planner in city hall. The mayor has received several complaints from a resident upset about the requirements for a land use permit. She wants me to relax and issue the permit without the requirements. She says it won’t hurt and no one will know. Upsetting the mayor could risk my employment. What should I do? These, and a myriad of other questions come before citizen and professional planners. Sections of the AICP Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct are applicable to all who participate in the planning process. Session presenters will lead a discussion with citizen and professional planners on the real world, practical application of the Code of Ethics.


no related speakers.


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Zipflow (lunch session)

Thursday, September 08, 2022, 12:00 PM

Come check out the software that actually understands permitting! Zipflow is a beautiful, easy to use system with layered GIS mapping and in-browser document review. Our software schedules site inspections and coordinates fee payments, meetings and custom forms. Zipflow can make your job much easier, come find out how.


no related speakers.


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Legislative Lightning Round with the League: Are you meeting legislative requirements for your general plan and development code?

Thursday, September 08, 2022, 1:15 PM

Planners, have you met all the recent deadlines for land use updates recently passed under State Law? Water, housing, internal accessory dwelling units, Lamma watershed protection areas? JK, no Lamma’s yet but come to this session to learn about what was passed, where to look for help, and what may be coming down the pike this legislative session.



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Starting Small, How to Build a Strong Planning Department

Thursday, September 08, 2022, 1:15 PM

Learn from two planners with experience in growing a planning department due to incorporation or sudden growth pressure. They will discuss three specific areas of focus which are key to creating and sustaining a strong planning department through significant growth and change. They will also discuss creative implementation ideas, unique situations, and past experiences that show how a focus on these three areas has successfully helped planning departments in very different communities.



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Water in Planning: How Land Use Affects Water Use and How Utahns Feel About It

Thursday, September 08, 2022, 1:15 PM

For years, Envision Utah has been facilitating community visioning efforts at geographies ranging from the entire state to the local community. In many of those processes, we’ve worked with water experts to model the water consumption impacts of different land use choices. We’ve also engaged the public to ask them how they prioritize water conservation and how far they’re willing to go to reduce per capita use. This conference session will present the results of these various planning efforts. How much does density alone change water consumption, even without changes in landscaping? What level of landscaping changes will Utahns support? How do Utahns feel about landscaping changes versus other strategies, like shifting water from agriculture to urban uses?


no related speakers.


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Legal Hot Topics

Thursday, September 08, 2022, 2:30 PM

There is no shortage of controversy in Utah’s land use realm. Often a single action by a landowner, developer or community can snowball into legislation that impacts the state. It is vital to understand what legal and legislative issues are currently of concern and what solutions are being considered. This is intended to provide a forum to discuss the hot button issues that appear to be rising to the top in preparation for the 2023 Utah legislative session. The APA UT – Legislative Committee will present what they are hearing in regard to – 1) Design Standards, 2) Temporary Ordinances (moratoriums), 3) Development Agreements, 4) Referendum’s and 5) Short-term rentals, as well as provide opportunity for discussion on other legislative topics.


no related speakers.


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Visioning and Planning for a Better Future: The Role of Integrating Water Use and Land Use Planning

Thursday, September 08, 2022, 2:30 PM

In 2022, the Utah Legislature adopted a requirement for counties and (many) cities to adopt a new element in their general plans addressing the use and preservation of water. This element must be integrated with your general plan’s land use element. If you think you might comply with the law just by enacting or updating a landscaping ordinance, you will be missing the boat. We will talk about what this new element should include, how the requirement to consider water resources applies to your community, and what integrated planning could mean for the future of the places where you live, work and play.



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Planning for Mountain Biking Trails

Thursday, September 08, 2022, 2:30 PM

Learn about the successes and challenges of planning for mountain biking trails. Lehi City and Draper City will share what they are working on in their cities, and how they have been collaborating to tie their two trail systems together.



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Cache County’s Housing Affordability Task Force

Thursday, September 08, 2022, 2:30 PM

In April of this year, Cache County Executive David Zook launched a countywide task force to address the issue of housing affordability in the Cache Valley. As in much of the rest of the state, rapidly increasing costs were making housing unaffordable for the majority of the area’s residents. What were the causes, and what might be done about it?

The task force was comprised of a broad cross-section of valley political and business leaders, subject experts and academics, and planners. The group identified several key issues of concern and divided into working groups to address them. The results were reported at the Cache Valley Summit at the end of June. Three main issues were focused on, which Cache leaders say they will now work on to help with future housing affordability. The process used in Cache County will serve as somewhat of a model for a series of land use issues workshops to be held around the state during the next year, funded by the state legislature. In this session, David Zook will describe the Cache task force process, and the conclusions about what to do that were reached.



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How to Unlock the Value of Transit-Oriented Communities

Thursday, September 08, 2022, 3:30 PM

Planners know the value of TOD — e.g. riders save money, our air is cleaner and our roads are less congested. This session will explore new research on lesser known outcomes including real estate and economic benefits. The session will also highlight Utah best practices in overcoming implementation challenges associated with TOD.


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Short-term rentals: What You Wish You Already Knew

Thursday, September 08, 2022, 3:30 PM

Looking to regulate short-term rentals? We’ll talk about the changes to state statute made last year that affect regulating and enforcing violations for short-term rentals. We’ll also talk about what you can (or, really what you cannot) do about existing short-term rentals in your areas.


no related speakers.


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Where you can succeed as a planner with your skills

Thursday, September 08, 2022, 3:30 PM

Robert A. Heinlein, an American science fiction author, aeronautical engineer, and naval officer is credited with saying – “A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, design a building, conn a ship, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve an equation, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.” Does this same approach hold true in the Planning profession? In this session we will discuss the skills Planners possess and how they can position themselves for success in a such a diverse profession.


no related speakers.


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Tour of Thanksgiving Point

Thursday, September 08, 2022, 3:30 PM

Tour the butterfly biosphere, meet the biosphere lab’s chief entomologist, and discuss issues that impact Thanksgiving Point.



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Rob Scott Award/Presentation/Chapter History

Friday, September 09, 2022, 8:30 AM


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Keynote: State Planning Coordination

Friday, September 09, 2022, 9:15 AM

Following a long, treacherous journey, pioneers entered the Salt Lake Valley on July 24, 1847 and declared the area their new home. Utah will reach the 200-year anniversary of this event in 2047—just 25 years from now.

Utah has undergone significant changes since the time of these early years of log cabins to the high-rise office towers of the present. Growth has been almost constant. Utah is growing, aging, urbanizing, diversifying, and changing. The state’s population is projected to reach 4.8 million by the year 2047, and 5.5 million by 2060. Utah is growing because we have a great quality of life and a strong economy, which means our kids stay (or come back) and others want to join us.

This growth has brought Utah many new opportunities, such as record low unemployment and tax revenue sufficient to invest in infrastructure. However, it has also brought challenges, such as traffic congestion, housing affordability, and crowding of recreation areas. In a 2018 survey, the ULCT found that 63 percent of Utahns believe that the state is growing too quickly. Envision Utah’s 2021 values research found that more Utahns think that growth will hurt their quality of life than any previous poll.

Like it or not, growth is coming. It is unrealistic to think we can close the doors; however, how this growth occurs matters. Utahns have the ability to shape the way this growth occurs to ensure that we preserve what makes Utah special. It’s time to have a statewide conversation about growth. Utahns need to come together to talk about our values, about our shared goals, and about what we can do to ensure Utah remains a great place to live 200 years from that momentous day in 1847.


no related speakers.


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Low Impact Development – Can You Rely on it?

Friday, September 09, 2022, 10:10 AM

Does low impact development (LID) offer the solution to all our stormwater problems? Learn about the benefits and the potential for LID systems from Jeanne Riley with the State Division of Water Quality, their “Handbook”, and from engineers for two Utah communities.


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Zoning – Carrot vs. Stick

Friday, September 09, 2022, 10:10 AM

Decade’s long planning practices show that most zoning ordinances in Utah, and nationwide, include PUD (or PRUD) standards which provide incentives such as increased density in exchange for improved (and unimproved) common area(s), better architectural design, etc., but these standards are often primarily limited to residential development. This session presents additional planning tools to encourage stronger commercial, mixed use, and residential projects to help achieve affordable housing goals, better mixed use, trails, open space, public improvements, and cutting-edge design. Such tools include mechanisms to meter residential development in mixed-use areas, a commercial equivalent to residential PUDs, development agreements, special exceptions as opposed to variances, finer grain density bonuses, increased building height allowances, TDRs, and more. Planners from Farmington City and North Salt Lake will discuss and present examples they have adopted and implemented in their respective communities.


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State Planning Coordination Q & A Panel

Friday, September 09, 2022, 10:10 AM

Join us for a Q and A panel to discuss state planning coordination.



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There’s got to be a better way to do annexations!

Friday, September 09, 2022, 11:10 AM

From Hideout to Grantsville, from Herriman to Providence and Plain City, the process of annexation of properties to municipalities in Utah is fraught with many problems. At one time, Utah’s state code included a phrase that explicitly stated that urban development should take place in incorporated communities. But disputes between those who wanted municipal services so they could develop their land and those who hoped urban development would never disrupt their rural lifestyles, let alone raise their taxes to pay for those municipal services, led in the 1990s to what some called the “annexation wars,” with sweeping legislative changes made to the state code to accommodate the various factions. The result was a mess of processes and contradictory procedures. Managing new urban growth invariably involves the growth of municipalities through annexations. While the code requires cities and towns to prepared annexation policy plans, they usually fall far short of their potential to anticipate and plan for new growth and expansion of necessary urban services. And how to balance the need to accommodate new growth, and preserve the rural, agricultural lifestyle in those outlying areas? We’ll talk about these issues in this session and see what are some ways to deal more effectively with the need to expand municipal boundaries to deal with growth.


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Street Knowledge: The Wasatch Transportation Academy

Friday, September 09, 2022, 11:10 AM

The “Community Transportation Academy” model seeks to break down the barriers for community members to participate in transportation decision-making processes. Using a curriculum handbook developed in Portland, the U of U’s City & Metropolitan Planning department launched the Wasatch Transportation Academy. Working with local, regional, and state partners, the WTA ran for eight weeks during January-March 2022, reaching a total of 49 students and concluding with a suite of 18 student-led projects. Student feedback from a post-course survey showed a high degree of satisfaction across a number of pedagogic factors, with a strongly positive net promoter score, indicating a likelihood of continued success for the course in future years.


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Sensitive Lands – the New Statewide Tool

Friday, September 09, 2022, 11:10 AM

Sensitive Lands have become an important topic in our communities to help preserve the character and to avoid lands that are hazardous to develop. As a State wide issue, a new tool has been drafted to help communities find the resources they need to create their own ordinances. Listen and learn from Zac Covington, the head of that committee, and then from a practitioner responsible for several ordinances along the Wasatch.


no related speakers.


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Walking Tour of Lehi’s Downtown

Friday, September 09, 2022, 11:10 AM

Check out Lehi’s new Public Safety Building and new mixed use building on Main Street, and hear what other plans the City is working toward in encouraging new development in their downtown area.



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Legal Pitfalls of Conditional Use Permits

Friday, September 09, 2022, 11:10 AM

Conditional Use Permits can cause huge headaches for staff and property owner alike. We’ll talk about how to avoid common legal pitfalls.


no related speakers.


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Book Club

Friday, September 09, 2022, 12:00 PM

How Downtown Can Save America, One Step at a Time by Jeff Speck during Fall Conference 22 in Lehi, Utah. Walkable City, which was published in 2012 and became the best-selling city-planning book in 2013 and 2014, was described by Planetizen as: “With intellectual cunning and great prose, Jeff Speck diagnoses the disconnect between what planners know about how to make cities livable, and what most of America’s small and mid-sized cities are or (mostly) aren’t doing to encourage wealth, health, and sustainability.’ According to Speck, walk-ability is the one issue around which the livability and vitality of cities depends. ‘Get walkability right,’ he says, ‘and so much of the rest will follow.’ To that end, Speck outlines ten essential ‘steps’ for creating walkability, and ushering in ‘a new era of street life in America.’” If you have been waiting for the motivation to read this urban planning classic, now is the time! Walkable City is widely and affordably available in print, electronic, and audio formats from your local bookstore, library, or online. Start reading today and join our lunchtime book discussion during the APA Utah Fall Conference on September 9, 2022, in Lehi, Utah!


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Emerging Planners

Friday, September 09, 2022, 12:00 PM

Are you a prospective or current planner with less than 10 years of experience? If so, we encourage you attending our Utah Emerging Planners Group luncheon, where you’ll have the opportunity to connect with emerging planners across the state and brainstorm future events for our initiative. Come be friends with us!


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Where Does the Water Go? Jordan Narrows Mobile Tour with Lime Ebikes

Friday, September 09, 2022, 1:15 PM

For many years, the numerous diversion of the Jordan River at the Point of the Mountain have been mostly hidden from view. Thanks to the recent completion of the Jordan River Trail, what’s happening to our river system is coming into clearer view. Join us for a bike tour that will pedal through the Jordan Narrows, observing the two main structures where most of the Jordan River is diverted. We’ll turn around at The Point in Draper, where the range to river greenway and stormwater strategies are reshaping ideas around the Jordan River Parkway.


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Consultants – When do you need them?

Friday, September 09, 2022, 1:15 PM

Many communities struggle to get to updating their community vision/general plan, find it difficult to fix their ordinances, and sometimes are just inundated with so much work that it is hard to keep up. Should they just be hiring more staff or employing consultants on temporary basis to help them out. Learn perspectives from both sides – the community side and the consultant side.


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TDRs & PDRs & AG Zones, Oh My!

Friday, September 09, 2022, 1:15 PM

Communities across the Country are looking for ways to retain their community character. In Utah we are seeing concerns raised about the consistent growth absorbing our farmer’s fields, orchards, and our open spaces. Can urban development and our rural heritage grow together in a way that is beneficial for a community? Learn the details about 4 potential programs that your community could promote through ordinance updates, options for purchasing, and the State authorized agricultural protection zones.


no related speakers.


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Can a Bike Lane Be a Trail Too?

Friday, September 09, 2022, 1:15 PM

A protected bike lane provides physical separation between a bicyclist or pedestrian and traffic. In essence they turn a bike lane into a trail, providing a safe and comfortable riding place for all ages and abilities. While protected bike lanes are rapidly growing around the world in Utah they are just getting started. Ogden and Provo are two of Utah’s pioneers. This session will unpack the political, practical and financial issues and lessons that they sought to address and how things have unfolded to date.


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Public Input is Bad, Actually: Designing Effective Land Use Public Processes

Friday, September 09, 2022, 2:30 PM

The title for this session comes from a recent piece in The Atlantic magazine, and probably jibes with the way many planners feel about land use public hearings. The story’s author says about such hearings, “the process is fundamentally flawed: It’s biased toward the status quo and privileges a small group of residents who for reasons that range from the sympathetic to the selfish don’t want to allow projects that are broadly useful.”

In a paper titled OVERPARTICIPATION: DESIGNING EFFECTIVE PUBLIC PROCESSES, Yale Law School Professor Anika Singh Lemar says, “Integrating community engagement into an effective administrative process requires addressing the various ways in which existing public participation processes have failed to serve their purported goals.” This session will look at the processes we currently use for public input on land use decisions, and propose a new model in an effort to balance public input, legal standards, and expertise


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Financing the Future – How PID’s can Work for your Community

Friday, September 09, 2022, 2:30 PM

Is your community using all the tools available to finance public infrastructure? We invite you to come and listen to those who have experience creating, using and managing Public Infrastructure Districts. This session will provide valuable insight into why some communities find PID’s vital to their growth as a community, what are the hurdles in creating PID’s and what are the resources available to educate your elected officials and community members about this tool. Perspectives from local communities, the finance industry and development industry will be share in the robust review and conversation about PID’s.


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Wildland Fire Preparedness

Friday, September 09, 2022, 2:30 PM

Every year, devastating wildfires burn across the United States. At the same time, a growing number of people are living where wildfires are a real risk such as Utah. Also with the effects of climate change becoming more prevalent and wildfires becoming more destructive it’s important for planners to think about how to protect our cities. Utah has a lot of open space, forests, and public lands and wildfires are an increasing risk in western states due to drought from climate change. Many areas have development in close proximity to these areas and are particularly vulnerable to wildfire damage. Draper City Fire Marshal, Don Buckley, will discuss the wildland urban interface and wildland fire preparedness. He will go over what Draper City is doing to help prepare vulnerable neighborhood to help reduce risk and important steps that can be included when reviewing developments and codes for these areas. This session will include a hiking tour of some open space areas.



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Design Standards versus development agreements – who’s on first?

Friday, September 09, 2022, 2:30 PM

Many communities are struggling to get to the design standards they want – or are they? More are using development agreements to allow for greater creativity by developers. Often DAs are used to circumvent certain ordinance requirements while providing “better” alternative designs. Which should you be doing – improve your design standards or simply allow DAs to be considered more?


no related speakers.


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Water Conservation: Utah Growing Water Smart

Friday, September 09, 2022, 2:30 PM

Water resource management and land use planning have historically been carried out separately. Yet, where and how we build has implications for our water resources: development drives water use and can impact our water quality and availability. As Utah navigates significant drought impacts, it is essential for local jurisdictions to fundamentally rethink the relationship between development and water supply, and to assume new leadership roles. In this session, we will share how the Utah Division of Water Resources’ new Growing Water Smart Workshops can support land use planners, elected officials, and water resource managers to create water smart communities by implementing strategies that address local and regional water challenges. We’ll also hear from two community case studies at different stages of their water and land use integration journey to learn more about why they’re prioritizing integrated planning, what strategies they’re using, and their results thus far. Attendees will gain a clearer understanding of integrated water and land use planning, how to implement new state regulations (e.g., SB 110), and the resources available to support them in growing water smart.


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Planning for Sign Code Success

Friday, September 09, 2022, 2:30 PM

Take away the best practices in regulating electronic message centers that are context sensitive by understanding the regulatory issues and concerns with electronic message centers and how to address aesthetic and saving historic or vintage signs. Understand regulatory best practices and methodologies on saving historic and vintage signs for your jurisdiction.


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Water Conservation: Good, Better & Best Practices in Urban Design

Friday, September 09, 2022, 3:40 PM

Public conscientiousness and concern about water is growing. Drought, climate change and stormwater are further impacting the already impaired waterways that thread through our communities. Urban designers and planners need solutions. Recent changes in state law are raising the bar on water-wise planning. Join this conversation to learn about some of the elegant solutions to improve water quality, and put more if it back where it is needed the most—in our rivers, streams and lakes.


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Public Engagement Tools, Tips, and Tricks

Friday, September 09, 2022, 3:40 PM

Tools, tips, and tricks to help improve your public engagement efforts.


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Talking Heads, What I Wish I Would Have Known on Day One

Friday, September 09, 2022, 3:40 PM

Planners can learn from listening, talking, and observing other planners and professionals. Three recently retired planners (planning experts), with decades of experience, will reflect on the totality and breath of their careers. These reflections will provide answers to the question, “what do you wished you had known earlier in your career?” A professional civil engineer and practicing attorney will offer another perspective, answering the question, “what do you wish planners knew?” The insights of the session panelists will provide attendees with invaluable relationship, decision-making, and professional development guidance. This session will benefit all planners, including students, citizen planners, and professionals at various stages of their careers.


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Your Turn – ask those burning questions

Friday, September 09, 2022, 3:40 PM

Did your last PC meeting leave you wondering about an unresolved issue? Did you attend a session at the conference where you wanted to ask a question but the time was up? Bend the ear of three practitioners that just might have an answer for you!



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Tour of Thanksgiving Point

Friday, September 09, 2022, 3:40 PM

Tour the butterfly biosphere, meet the biosphere lab’s chief entomologist, and discuss issues that impact Thanksgiving Point.



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Miles and Smiles: How Active Transportation Can Empower Your Community

Wednesday, May 10, 2023, 11:00 AM

In partnership with the Gateway & Natural Amenity Region (GNAR) Initiative and the University of Utah’s City & Metropolitan Planning program, graduate students Tyler Torres and Anna Maki are moving a project forward to gather insights and experiences from professionals who work in rural communities to plan active transportation projects. Our goal is to compile the collective wisdom of practitioners and best practice resources to create an accessible learning module that can be used by gateway rural communities to support their own efforts in making walking and biking safe, accessible, and enjoyable for all.

Uinta Basin Railroad Project

Wednesday, May 10, 2023, 1:10 PM

The Uinta Basin Railway is the first greenfield railroad built in the United States in over 50 years. This 100-mile, $1.5 billion dollar project is also the first common-carrier freight transportation service to connect the Uintah Basin to the rest of Utah’s industrialized economy. While the scale and scope of this project is monumental, what is no less impressive is how the project came to be, leveraging the benefits of cooperative regional planning and public-private partnerships. These planning efforts and partnerships can offer both planners and government officials unique insight into large, complex infrastructure projects in the 21st Century.



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Utah’s New Watershed Stakeholder Groups

Wednesday, May 10, 2023, 1:50 PM

In 2020, the Utah Legislature passed the Watershed Councils Act, (H.B. 166) which authorized and directed the Division of Water Resources to create the Utah Watersheds Council (a state council) and twelve local watershed councils. The intent of the Act is to “develop diverse and balanced stakeholder forums for discussion of water policy and resource issues at watershed and state levels that are not vested with regulatory, infrastructure financing, or enforcement powers or responsibilities.” Session attendees will learn about the work the state and local councils are doing to improve watershed health.


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Short-Term Rentals

Wednesday, May 10, 2023, 1:50 PM

Brace yourself for the non-stop thrill ride that is short-term rentals. Join Utah League of Cities and Towns’ Karson Eilers, Sandy City’s Brynn Bohlender, and Hurricane City’s Fred Resch on a journey beginning with the latest updates from the state legislature and ending with what two of Utah’s most robust Cities are doing to meet the challenge. Questions for our panelists include: how are short-term rentals impacting your community? What have been the real community benefits? What tools are you using to process and manage short-term rental applications and permits? If these are not your burning questions, come stump our all-star panel of experts with your own! All this, and more, at Short-term Rental All Stars!


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In Utah’s Forests, Management Makes the Difference

Wednesday, May 10, 2023, 2:45 PM

Active forest management is needed in Utah to reduce the likelihood of undesirable fires, improve forest health, improve wildlife habitat, protect infrastructure improvements and increase public safety. Years of fire suppression and fire exclusion have contributed to the current unhealthy forest conditions as have years of limited funding for vegetation treatments and frequent litigation by environmental groups. Session attendees will learn what forest managers are doing to restore forest health in Utah.


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Moderate Income Housing

Wednesday, May 10, 2023, 2:45 PM

Planning for moderate income housing is a requirement of General Plans in the State of Utah. Several communities are also required to submit a moderate income housing report annually to the state, describing strategies, implementation plans, and reporting progress for moderate income housing in the community. This session will review the requirements for the reporting communities and present tools and resources available for them to complete their annual reports.


no related speakers.


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Community Fishing Pond Case Studies

Wednesday, May 10, 2023, 2:45 PM

Old Fort Ponds (at the historic site of Fort Thornburgh) are Vernal’s first and only true community fishing ponds. In this session, learn how the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (UDWR) worked with community partners to complete this project and how a similar project in Roosevelt city is progressing.


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Wednesday, May 10, 2023, 3:45 PM



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Planning for Utah’s Water Future

Wednesday, May 10, 2023, 3:45 PM

Learn about recent legislative activity focused on water, and water conditions on Great Salt Lake and Colorado River. Explore water programs and resources supported by the Division of Water Resources.

Fieldhouse Tour

Wednesday, May 10, 2023, 3:45 PM

On this tour, we will be seeing behind the scenes of the natural history museum. We will discover how it functions and provides services to its patrons, how people flow through the museum space, and how they keep history connected with the community. This tour will include exhibits that aren’t displayed for the public.



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Stop-Think-Lead Training

Thursday, May 11, 2023, 8:00 AM

The Stop-Think-Lead (STL) process is a personal Influence and emotional intelligence (EQ) process for dealing with critical situations at work and at home. Learn the benefits of focusing on the situation instead of focusing on the person to strengthen your balance between the rational and emotional mind. This workshop is designed to teach specific interpersonal skills, tactics, and attitudes that help leaders learn the ultimate skill or the art of tact: the art of making a point without making an enemy to live a life of fewer regrets. In this seminar, you will have the opportunity to apply the principles of Stop-Think-Lead in a fun and engaging way to see if you can avoid the pitfalls of having an awkward conversation. Apply the golden rule: If the conversation is going to be awkward, don’t have it. When caught in awkward conversations, end it.



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Have a side of Planning Ethics with your lunch

Thursday, May 11, 2023, 12:00 PM

APA made significant changes, effective January 2022, to the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. These changes affect both professional and nonprofessional planners. This luncheon presentation will focus on the ethical and behavioral standards applying to all Utah planners, including the ethical and professional standards for professional and citizen planners serving Utah’s small communities (municipalities and counties). This session is designed to meet your dietary needs of ethical awareness. Think about this; is your lunch ethical?


no related speakers.


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Thursday, May 11, 2023, 1:30 PM