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2023 Spring Conference

2023 Spring Conference

May 10-12, 2023

Uintah Conference Center
313 East 200 South
Vernal, Utah 84078


Planners from across the region will descend on Vernal this March for APA Utah’s 2023 Spring Conference. With three days of presentations addressing both urban and rural planning needs, the Spring Conference highlights content for professional planners, citizen planners and elected officials. Topics include everything from planning ethics and preservation to transportation, housing and inclusion. Mobile tours will also provide case studies in planning and environmental developments in the Vernal area.


May 10, 2023 1:10 pm

Uinta Basin Railroad Project

The Uinta Basin Railway is the first greenfield railroad built in the United States in over 50 years. This 100-mile, $1.5 billion dollar project is also the first common-carrier freight transportat...

May 10, 2023 1:50 pm

Utah’s New Watershed Stakeholder Groups

In 2020, the Utah Legislature passed the Watershed Councils Act, (H.B. 166) which authorized and directed the Division of Water Resources to create the Utah Watersheds Council (a state council) and...

May 12, 2023 11:10 am

Guiding our Growth

Utah was the fastest growing state in the nation between 2010 and 2020. Population is projected to increase from 3.4 million today to 5.5 million in 2060, a 63% increase. What makes Utah great is a...

May 10, 2023 2:45 pm

In Utah’s Forests, Management Makes the Difference

Active forest management is needed in Utah to reduce the likelihood of undesirable fires, improve forest health, improve wildlife habitat, protect infrastructure improvements and increase public sa...

May 10, 2023 3:45 pm


In this session, we will have a brief discussion about the history of initiative and referenda as well as a detailed review of the use of referenda by voters to ensure their voices were included in...

May 10, 2023 3:45 pm

Planning for Utah’s Water Future

Learn about recent legislative activity focused on water, and water conditions on Great Salt Lake and Colorado River. Explore water programs and resources supported by the Division of Water Resources.

May 10, 2023 3:45 pm

Fieldhouse Tour

On this tour, we will be seeing behind the scenes of the natural history museum. We will discover how it functions and provides services to its patrons, how people flow through the museum space, an...

May 11, 2023 8:00 am

Stop-Think-Lead Training

The Stop-Think-Lead (STL) process is a personal Influence and emotional intelligence (EQ) process for dealing with critical situations at work and at home. Learn the benefits of focusing on the sit...

May 11, 2023 2:00 pm

Vernal City Walking Tour

During this session and walking tour, we will discuss and visit some of the upcoming summer projects, visit storefronts that have taken advantage of the facade grant, and discuss how vernal city is...

May 10, 2023 1:50 pm

Short-Term Rentals

Brace yourself for the non-stop thrill ride that is short-term rentals. Join Utah League of Cities and Towns’ Karson Eilers, Sandy City’s Brynn Bohlender, and Hurricane City’s Fred Resch on a journ...

May 11, 2023 2:50 pm

Challenges of Small Town Planning

Balancing housing, economic development, transportation infrastructure, water resources, utility management, human services, and the countless other activities that our communities require every da...

May 11, 2023 3:50 pm

Tribal Consultation: an Essential Element of Peace & Mutual Prosperity

Many communities in Utah have tribal lands located near or within their jurisdictional boundaries. Tribes are sovereign nations and establishing a government-to-government relationship is essential...

May 11, 2023 3:50 pm

Maintaining Public Access to Public Land

Public lands constitute 75.2 percent of the total land mass in Utah. People from around the state, around the nation and around the world enjoy visiting and recreating on these public lands. Sessio...

May 11, 2023 3:50 pm

25 Land Use FAQs

Come hear answers to the 25 most frequently asked land use questions. You’ve probably asked these as well. We’ll cover boundary disputes, vested rights, and more!

May 12, 2023 8:15 am

Legislative Update

We’re calling it the Year of the Planner, or maybe the Planners Full Employment Acts. So much happened during this year’s legislative session regarding land use, planning and housing. We will recap...

May 12, 2023 9:25 am

The State of Power in Utah

Power access, supply, and reliability are critical to future growth in Utah. Everyone involved in the development process must work together using solutions that work if we want to keep turning on ...

May 12, 2023 9:25 am

Gun Ranges

Many communities struggle to locate gun ranges in or near their jurisdictions to serve the public and law enforcement personnel. Payson City is currently attempting to acquire federal land in Utah ...

May 12, 2023 10:15 am

Buckskin Hills Recreation Complex and Gun Range Tour

Uintah County applied for a land grant from the BLM for the purpose of building a shooting range and a motorized recreation facility. The county applied for the land grant under the provisions of t...

May 12, 2023 10:15 am


In all our discussions about planning for and managing growth, we don’t often talk about the process by which cities actually grow in area – annexation of new land into the city’s boundaries. Utah ...

May 12, 2023 10:15 am

Oil & Gas: Why We Can’t Keep it in the Ground

With many concerned about the “climate crisis,” agencies are exploring ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote a “clean energy” future. By refusing to lease fede...

May 11, 2023 2:50 pm

Come Get Dirty with Us! Laying the Groundwork for a GNAR Initiative Training Program

The Gateway + Natural Amenity Region (GNAR) Initiative exists to help western GNAR communities thrive and preserve the things that make them special. Join the GNAR Initiative team for an interactiv...

May 12, 2023 11:10 am

Coordinating Planning Resources Statewide

“Planning” touches every aspect of our daily lives. From the wasatch regions, throughout central Utah, into red rock country and everywhere in-between, planning professionals throughout the state a...

May 10, 2023 11:00 am

Miles and Smiles: How Active Transportation Can Empower Your Community

In partnership with the Gateway & Natural Amenity Region (GNAR) Initiative and the University of Utah’s City & Metropolitan Planning program, graduate students Tyler Torres and Anna Maki ar...

May 11, 2023 1:30 pm

Building Code and Historic Buildings

Join Utah SHPO Historical Architect Jansen Bennett and Historic Tax Credit Coordinator Amber Anderson for an overview of building codes and historic buildings. Gain a high-level understanding of co...

May 12, 2023 9:25 am

Legislative bills and my role

This session will be a follow up the legislative update. Come with questions on this year’s legislative bill and see why as a planning commissioner you should care about the bills and your role wit...

May 12, 2023 11:10 am

How to plat, how not to plat, that is the question. Life after SB 174 and HB 406

Come learn about all the new subdivision and development standards in SB 174 and HB406 that passed this session. ULCT staff will walk you through the changes and the new deadlines that every munici...

May 12, 2023 10:15 am

Common Illegal Land Use Ordinances

Your community may have these on the books. Some are very unexpected. Even well-intentioned ordinances may be illegal. Avoid these legal pitfalls and avoid being sued.

May 10, 2023 2:45 pm

Community Fishing Pond Case Studies

Old Fort Ponds (at the historic site of Fort Thornburgh) are Vernal’s first and only true community fishing ponds. In this session, learn how the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (UDWR) wo...

May 10, 2023 2:45 pm

Moderate Income Housing

Planning for moderate income housing is a requirement of General Plans in the State of Utah. Several communities are also required to submit a moderate income housing report annually to the state, ...

May 11, 2023 12:00 pm

Have a side of Planning Ethics with your lunch

APA made significant changes, effective January 2022, to the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. These changes affect both professional and nonprofessional planners. This luncheon presentation...

May 11, 2023 1:30 pm

Defending Land Use Decisions

The Utah Supreme Court has spoken several times in the past five years in response to challenges to local administrative decisions. Based on these opinions, how do we make sure that our administrat...


Laura Hanson, AICP

State Planning Coordinator
Governor's Office of Planning and Budget

Scott Hess

Community and Economic Development Director
North Ogden City

Ari Bruening

President and CEO
Envision Utah

Bruce Parker, AICP

Planning and Development Services, LLC

Marcie Jones

Office of the Property Rights Ombudsman

Wilf Sommerkorn

Deputy Executive Director
Utah Land Use Institute

Meg Ryan

Senior Land Use Manager
Utah League of Cities & Towns

Paul Allred

Planning Commissioner
Kaysville City

Keith Heaton

Executive Director
Seven County Infrastructure Coalition

Andy Rasmussen

Project manager and facilitator
The Langdon Group

Christine Osborne

Uinta and Weber basin coordinator
Utah Division of Water Quality's Watershed Protection Section

Brynn Bohlender

Planning and zoning technician
Sandy City

Karson Eilers

Policy Director
Utah League of Cities and Towns

Fred Resch

City Planner
Hurricane City

Ryan Clayburn

Assistant city manager
Roosevelt city

Joseph Flores

Fire Management Officer (FMO)
Ashley National Forest

Grace Patrick

Shared Stewardship Coordinator
Utah's Division of Forestry Fire & State Lands

Mike Eriksson

Area Manager
Utah Division of Forestry, Fire & State Lands

Alyssa Gamble

Moderate Income Housing Program Manager
Housing Community Development Division of the Department of Workforce Services

Dallis Rohde

Of Counsel
Buchalter’s Portland and Salt Lake City offices

Rachel Shilton

River basin planning manager
Utah Division of Water Resources

Todd Stonely

Assistant Director
Utah Division of Water Resources

John Foster

Curator of collections
Utah Field House of Natural History State Park Museum

Craig Call

Executive Director
Utah Land Use Institute

Amber Anderson

Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Coordinator
Utah State Historic Preservation Office

Jansen Bennett

HIstoric Architect

Jordan Katcher

Initiatives Facilitator
Wallace Stegner Center’s Environmental Dispute Resolution Program

Elizabeth Sodja

GNAR Initiative

Rob Terry

Statewide Land Use Training Director
State of Utah

Mike Hyde

Research consultant
Utah Public Lands Policy Coordination Office

Dustin Jansen

Director of Indian affairs for Utah

Larry Echohawk

Special counsel and advisor to the Governor and to the Attorney General of the State of Utah for Indian affairs

Scott Bartlett

Assistant managing director
Utah School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration (SITLA)

Tess Davis

Assistant Attorney General
State of Utah

Matt Preston

Deputy State Director for Resources
Bureau of Land Management

Brian Hulet

Economic Development Director
Payson City

Matthew Cazier

Community Development Director
Uintah County

Yankton Johnson

CEO/general manager, assistant general manager, and HR manager
Moon Lake Electric Association

Jeff Peterson

Vice President and General Counsel
Deseret Power

Gregory Todd

Utah Office of Energy Development

Dusty Monks

Oil and Gas Liaison
Utah Office of Energy Development

Rikki Hrenko-Browning

Utah Petroleum Association (UPA)


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