Jun 18, 2020
8:00 am
Call for Award Nominations
June 18, 2020 - July 31, 2020
8:00 am - 5:00 pm -
Call for Award Nominations
June 18, 2020 - July 31, 2020
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
The American Planning Association Utah Chapter (APAUtah) is accepting nominations for awards to recognize plans, projects, programs, and individuals that are making a significant contribution to planning in Utah. Awards help recognize and reward those furthering planning practice in Utah and encourage others to learn from and incorporate lessons learned from outstanding planning efforts. The (more…)
Jun 18, 2020
12:00 pm
Help Kick Start the Economy: By Re-thinking Public Spaces
June 18, 2020 - July 12, 2020
12:00 pm - 1:15 pm -
Help Kick Start the Economy: By Re-thinking Public Spaces
June 18, 2020 - July 12, 2020
12:00 pm - 1:15 pm
Did you miss this event or are you looking for a copy of the presentations? Find them below: Here’s the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2V0XxRCNXgY DABC Patio regulations 6/20 https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:c21fdc63-1e93-4b11-bbcf-f7b7c9568780 Park City Municipal https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:5f374ed5-7f75-43e9-b993-aa5610ddcc50 TRANSPORTATION DIVISION SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:30b5506b-c76b-4934-9b48-37a0aa44c50d CENTERCAL PROPERTIES, LLC https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:e5a1e838-f9c4-49ba-a3ae-071de0907193 Lunch with the League Series: A Joint Event with APA Utah Cities (more…)
Jun 13, 2020
9:30 am
AICP Question and Answers
June 13, 2020
9:30 am - 11:00 am
Are you working on your AICP Application this month? Do you have questions about your essays, work experience, or any other part of the process? Would you like a second set of eyes on some parts of your application? With the application deadline fast approaching, please join the APA Utah Professional Development team this (more…)
Jun 30, 2020
3:00 pm
Quality Communities Academy
June 30, 2020
3:00 pm - 5:30 pm
We are pleased to announce that Envision Utah is hosting the third Quality Communities Academy. The Quality Communities Academy is training on how to plan for quality communities (benefits, good design, implementation, etc.) The academy will cater to city councilors, planning commission members, city planning staff and others interested in good land use and transportation (more…)
Jun 11, 2020
12:00 pm
General Plans and Zoning Codes. What are they, What are the State rules and how do they work together
June 11, 2020
12:00 pm - 1:15 pm
Participate in ULCT’s COVID-free “Throwback Thursday” training series Thursday, June 11 12:00 – 1:15 pm During the month of June, ULCT will provide an opportunity to learn the latest about the basic essentials in managing municipal government. Our second session will be Land Use 101- General Plans and Zoning Codes. What are they, What are the (more…)
May 28, 2020
12:30 pm
Re-Opening City Facilities- Timing is Everything
May 28, 2020
12:30 pm - 1:15 pm -
Re-Opening City Facilities- Timing is Everything
May 28, 2020
12:30 pm - 1:15 pm
With the weather heating up and public health and safety in mind, communities wrestle with some tough decisions about when and how to open recreation facilities. Do we hold off a few weeks to assure safety… or do we move ahead and implement all the social distancing measures we can? When faced with that choice, some (more…)
Apr 23, 2020
12:00 pm
April 23, 2020 A Virtual Double Header
April 23, 2020 - May 30, 2020
12:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Webinar #1 The National View April 23, 12-1 pm Dave Biggs of Metroquest (Former ULCT Keynote) With the initial shock of March behind us, many planning teams are reimagining public engagement to keep their key projects moving forward during what could be 18 months of disruptions. Our panelists, Shane Sawyer from Virginia Department of Transportation, (more…)
Apr 29, 2020
8:00 am
NPC20 @ Home
April 29, 2020 - May 1, 2020
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
April 29 – May 1, 2020 | #stayhome #NPC20atHome NPC20 @ Home NPC20 @ Home is a digital conference experience bringing the spirit of NPC to the planning community. Connect with the planning community on topics relevant to today’s environment: rebuilding community, planning in the digital era, and navigating the future of planning. Register Now (more…)
May 22, 2020
11:00 am
Project Management for Planners
May 22, 2020
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
This webinar will provide participants with tools and techniques that planners can use to successfully manage planning projects. A five-phased process for managing projects based on industry standards adopted by the Project Management Institute will be discussed. The session is built around the five phases of project management: Initiating; Planning; Executing; Controlling; and, Closing. Discussion (more…)
May 15, 2020
11:00 am
Focus on Micromobility: Incorporating New Methods of Travel into the Planning Landscape
May 15, 2020
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Attendees will hear from three leading practitioners in the emerging field of micromobility, each presenting a different angle on the changes that nimble, on-demand transportation options mean for street design and streetscapes, transit service, and travel patterns. Our presenters will be Jess Stetson – Head of Growth for Ride Report, Alvaro Villagran – Program Manager (more…)
May 01, 2020
11:00 am
Craving Community: The Increments of Great Neighborhoods
May 1, 2020
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
We’ll discuss those components that make up beloved mixed-use cities and towns, how they work, and why they matter. We’ll explore a variety of housing types – including missing middle types – that energize neighborhoods and make them more vibrant. We’ll discuss the critical differences between building these types – which may be subtle differences (more…)
Apr 24, 2020
11:00 am
From Isolation to Inclusion: LGBTQ+ Communities in Planning & Equity Issues
April 24, 2020
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
This event is a continuation of our community engagement efforts for the updated Thrive Montgomery Plan 2050 and addresses the need for increased awareness of key community issues through the lens of equity and inclusion. Together, we will learn from a panel of practitioners and researchers about their personal and professional experiences working at the (more…)