Streets don’t just help people get from A to B. They are also our most visible public spaces and the engines of our economies. A great street, a true asset, can help a community prosper by setting the stage for desired land-use changes, and vice versa. Come learn about Salt Lake City’s approach to addressing street design and land use as one cohesive approach. The session will focus on practices that relate to communities both big and small, approach to addressing street design and land use as one cohesive approach. The session will focus on practices that relate to communities both big and small.

Presenters: Tom Millar, Salt Lake City – Maria Vyas, Fehr & Peers – Megan Townsend, WFRC

Moderator: Susan Petheram, FFKR

AICP CM #9214006

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Tom Millar

Tom Millar has been an Associate Instructor in the College of Architecture + Planning’s City and Metropolitan Planning department for four years. His course, “Planning and Designing for Walking and Bicycling”, focuses on the land uses and transportation and recreation choices of successful, human scale cities.

His professional and educational work centers on creating active, friendly, well-rounded, and beautiful transportation systems and cities for people of all ages and abilities. A planner by education (University of Utah HBA ’13) and a transportation planner by trade (Salt Lake City Transportation Division’s Project Delivery group), Tom has led or been heavily involved in many notable local and national projects, including Salt Lake City’s Street & Intersection Typologies Design Guide, Pedestrian & Bicycle Master Plan; 300 South & 200 West Protected Intersection and Separated Bike Lanes; 9-Line Trail; Folsom Trail; and the Foothills Trails Plan.







Maria Vyas

Maria Vyas, AICP, is a Senior Associate in the Salt Lake City office of Fehr & Peers, with 22 years of experience in land use and transportation planning. She thrives on projects that require creative, inter-disciplinary methods of evaluating complex issues. She recently helped UDOT prepare its 2019-2050 statewide Long Range Plan, working with the department to establish a new planning framework and identify needs and deficiencies in the statewide transportation network. She is also leading a statewide study of the I-15 corridor in Utah, evaluating a wide range of needs and metrics to develop a comprehensive vision across all UDOT regions. Maria is currently advising the Community Planning Association of Southwest Idaho (COMPASS) in the development of land use and transportation scenarios for their upcoming Regional Transportation Plan, and is also leading a transit alternatives analysis for the State Street corridor in Boise. She is also leading the development of a Street and Intersection Typology Design Guide for Salt Lake City, which will establish a new set of multi-modal cross sections that repurpose right-of-way allocations to promote placemaking, greening, personal mobility, curbside access, and vehicle mobility. Maria’s work has been published by the Transportation Research Board, and she has received awards for her work from the Northern Utah Chapter of the Women in Transportation Seminar, the Utah Chapter of the American Planning Association, and the Institute of Transportation Engineers.









Megan Townsend- WFRC

I oversee planning technical assistance and economic development activity as the Director of Community and Economic Development of the Wasatch Front Regional Council. We assist local communities with planning and policy. My career is dedicated to helping communities enhance the quality of life available to all current and future residents.

I have a Master of City and Metropolitan Planning (MCMP) from the University of Utah with a Graduate Certificate of Real Estate Development. I serve as Board Treasurer for the Seven Canyons Trust non-profit organization which I helped to found. I am also the Community Outreach Chair of the Utah Chapter of the Urban Lands Institute, and Co-Chair of the Downtown Alliance Transportation Committee.









Susie Petheram

Susie Petheram, AICP is a Senior Planner and Senior Associate with FFKR in Salt Lake City, Utah. She enjoys working with communities to implement context-sensitive plans and designs that promote sustainable development patterns. Susie helps her clients understand the value of their context and culture in planning for sustainable and resilient futures. Her projects focus on the analysis, planning, and design of multi-jurisdictional regions, cities, neighborhoods, downtown districts, historic neighborhoods and transit station areas. Susie is a PhD candidate in Metropolitan Planning, Policy, and Design at the University of Utah, where she is studying the relationships between transit and neighborhoods.



Venue:   Online


  • Leveraging Street Design
    May 7, 2021
    12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
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