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APA Utah Fall Conference Speaker

Kirsten Whetstone

Utah Chapter of the American Planning Association

Kirsten Whetstone spent ten years as a City Planner in Fort Collins, Colorado learning and implementing intricacies of the Permit System approach to zoning and community development before moving back to Utah to learn the challenges of resort town planning. Kirsten was a Senior Planner in Park City, Utah for 25 years and the past 3 years with Summit County, Utah. Kirsten believes planners are visionaries, problem solvers, historic preservationists, protectors of community character, creative code writers, and community engagers who have an absolute duty to advocate for equity and inclusion of all community members in the planning process. Kirsten is current President of the Utah Chapter of the American Planning Association, having previously served as the VP as well as past chair of the Programs Committee and the 2017 Utah APA Fall conference organizing committee. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from Stanford University and a master’s in Town and Regional Planning from Utah State University. Kirsten hails from New Mexico, Land of Enchantment, and is an avid trail runner, Nordic skier, and traveler who most enjoys exploring rivers, canyons, and mesas of the American southwest with her husband, Richard Bullough and their son, Garrett.


Community Character »

2022 Fall Conference, September 8, 2022 11:10 am

Growth just keeps rolling into our communities. How do we shape that growth to retain our community character? How do we retain the features of our community, the features that we value, before they disappear? Learn about Summit County's Villages Overlay that is intended to promote the compact villages that reflect the heritage of the county. Learn about two Transfer of Development Rights programs - one that preserved 750 open space acres in Mapleton and another that is just starting in Spanish Fork (with a great video!) and meant to retain the agricultural character of the River Bottoms. Growing together to preserve our community character has become an important issue across our state, as communities grapple with increased development pressure.

Welcome/Chapter Meeting »

September 10, 2021 8:30 am

Overview of the progress made by the APA Utah chapter over the past year and presentation of the objectives and action items for the year to come.

= Keynote

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