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APA Utah Fall Conference Speaker

Justin Lee

Director of Government Relations

Justin is the Director of Government Relations for the Utah League of Cities and Towns. Prior to joining the League, Justin spent 11 years working for three different lieutenant governors (Bell, Cox, and Henderson), serving the past 4 years as Director of Elections for the State of Utah. During that time Justin once accidentally tackled the Governor during a game of flag football and still kept his job. Justin has a BA in Political Science from the University of Utah, and a MA in Political Science from Utah State University. Justin has had mail delivered to 25 different addresses during his life (not counting work mail) and he would probably keep increasing that number on a regular basis but promised his wife and 4 kids that he’d stay put for now. If Justin didn’t need to work he’d spend all of his time with his family while traveling, hiking, reading, and performing in plays.


Legislative Lightning Round with the League: Are you meeting legislative requirements for your general plan and development code? »

2022 Fall Conference, September 8, 2022 1:15 pm

Planners, have you met all the recent deadlines for land use updates recently passed under State Law? Water, housing, internal accessory dwelling units, Lamma watershed protection areas? JK, no Lamma’s yet but come to this session to learn about what was passed, where to look for help, and what may be coming down the pike this legislative session.

Shaping the Future by seeing how #CitiesWork »

September 9, 2021 12:30 pm

#CitiesWork is a call to action for all cities and towns initiated by the Utah League of Cities and Towns. This effort will strive to connect and establish relationships between State Legislators and Cities in order to help educate them on how we work and the challenges we face as we plan for the future. Because many legislators have not served in local government, they may not understand the concept of local control or the impacts of legislation on local communities, including the unintended consequences of statewide policies. The #CitiesWork resource guide outlines three easy steps to tell your local story and develop a relationship with state leaders.

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