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APA Utah News & Events

Lunch/Ethics Session: Ethics for Reals

September 8, 2022 12:00 pm
2022 Fall Conference

Every day, all planners, citizen and professional alike, and regardless of their location or planning activity, face ethical dilemmas. A Planning Commission meeting item has not been properly noticed but rescheduling to next month’s meeting will cause a burden to the applicant. As a Planning Commissioner, what should I do? Can I act on a Planning Commission item, when the staff says some application requirements are missing? Can I support a development that is supported economically but places negative impacts on the community’s resources, including water? My neighbor has made a development application. I should step aside but I am the sole planner in city hall. The mayor has received several complaints from a resident upset about the requirements for a land use permit. She wants me to relax and issue the permit without the requirements. She says it won’t hurt and no one will know. Upsetting the mayor could risk my employment. What should I do? These, and a myriad of other questions come before citizen and professional planners. Sections of the AICP Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct are applicable to all who participate in the planning process. Session presenters will lead a discussion with citizen and professional planners on the real world, practical application of the Code of Ethics.



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