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Legislative Updates

It begins!

January 20, 2021

The 2021 legislative session has begun!


Several things to update you all about, including a couple new bills and some information.


First, an important item – SB61-Outdoor Advertising Amendments, was assigned to the Senate Business and Labor Committee and was on their agenda for this afternoon, but has since been removed.  Just be aware that it looks like this bill is poised to move quickly!


HB23-Voter Referendum Amendments and HB28-Land Use and Eminent Domain Advisory Board Amendments, have both already passed the House and have been sent to the Senate.  Both are uncontroversial bills, reviewed in interim committees, so no surprise that they’re moving right along.


SB65-Community Reinvestment Agency Amendments, has been assigned to the Senate Government Operations committee, no meeting yet scheduled.




Three new bills of interest have been released.


HB171 – Agricultural Land Use Regulation – this bill would prohibit local jurisdictions from specifying what crops may or may not be grown on agricultural land in agricultural zones, and also stipulates that very little regulation can be put upon the growing of authorized hemp.  Not sure what’s prompting this.


HB211 – Initiatives and Referenda Amendments – this bill make s a number of changes to the procedures for referenda and initiatives, and as far as LUDMA is involved, it just changes the appropriate code references.


SB111 – Records of Residential Property Owner Zoning Violations Amendments – this bill adds a record of a residential property zoning violation to the list of protected records.  Not sure what’s prompting this one either.


And finally, a message from our legislative committee co-chair Angela Price.


Today kicks off the first day of the 2021 Utah legislative session. In honor of the start of the session the Legislative Committee is launching the 2021 Legislative Tracker. You can view the tracker by clicking on the “Legislative Affairs” tab on the

APA UT Chapter website.


Thanks to Angela for putting this together.


More fun to come, we’re just getting started here, folks!


Wilf Sommerkorn

Co-Chair, APA Utah Legislative Committee


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