Density, Inventory and Price: Potential legislative initiatives to address Utah’s housing crisis
For several years now, Utah and many other areas have been in the midst of a housing affordability crisis. While there are many reasons for it, one that has garnered particular attention has been local land use practices, prompting regulatory and legislative initiatives. In Utah, the crisis has, among other things, led to the formation […]
Planner Ethics – Change is Coming
Two years ago, the APA and AICP Boards appointed a Task Force to consider possible revisions to the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. The Code’s “Aspirational Principles” and “Rules of Conduct” have not been reviewed since 2005. The Ethical Principles in Planning have not been updated since 1992. Discussions are now occurring that the […]
Ombudsman – 15 years of Advisory Opinions
In 2006 the Utah Legislature charged the Office of the Property Rights Ombudsman with resolving land use disputes by preparing advisory opinions on land use law when asked to do so by a party. This session will discuss an overview of the issues resolved by the 235 opinions published in the first fifteen years as […]
Main Street Revitalization – An overview and economic development strategy
As communities are looking to reinvest in their traditional downtown cores and commercial districts, there are many questions in reference to “the best” process and what some of the expected return on investment will be. Enter the Main Street model, a four point approach adopted by the National Main Street Center over 40 years ago […]
Effects of Light-Rail Transit and Bus Rapid Transit on Traffic in a Travel Corridor
In studies for the Utah Transit Authority and Utah Department of Transportation, the Metropolitan Research Center at the University of Utah has quantified the impacts of fixed guideway transit lines on traffic in transit corridors. The session will delve into reasons why the BRT impact was less than the LRT impact, and implications for transit […]
Creating a Community Gathering Place
Taylorsville’s original 1997 General Plan called for the area surrounding Taylorsville City Hall to be a community “gathering place and activity center.” Now, nearly 25 years later, that 1997 vision has been realized with the construction of Centennial Plaza. This new community open space integrates Taylorsville City Hall and the newly constructed Mid-Valley Performing Arts […]
Unmasking Transportation after COVID-19
As we all begin to recover from COVID-19 we will see transportation behavior, along with land use markets and ways of recreating, find a new normal. Let’s come together to discuss the latest data and share ideas for how communities can shape and build upon these new dynamics to build a better future.
Billboards in Utah—Information for the Local Level
Come listen to the story of billboards in Utah from a planner’s perspective – from Lady Bird Johnson’s 1965 highway beautification efforts to where we are today. This session is designed as an open-source ‘toolkit’ for use at the local level, enabling planners to inform and educate their respective city and county councils, planning commissions, […]
Centennial Plaza Tour
Tour Taylorsville’s new Centennial Plaza and experience an open space specially designed for community gatherings such as farmers markets, arts festivals, movies in the park, live performances, food truck gatherings, and more. Also observe the architectural and urban design techniques utilized to help meld two significant and distinct community buildings into a unified place.
Shaping the Future by seeing how #CitiesWork
#CitiesWork is a call to action for all cities and towns initiated by the Utah League of Cities and Towns. This effort will strive to connect and establish relationships between State Legislators and Cities in order to help educate them on how we work and the challenges we face as we plan for the future. […]
Water Quantity and Quality Toolkits for Utah Planners
Integrating water and land use planning is essential for smart growth in Utah, but many communities lack the time and resources necessary to successfully integrate these two processes. Accordingly, the Babbitt Center for Land and Water Policy and Western Resource Advocates developed a toolkit called the Utah Framework for Community Action. The Blacksmith Fork Soil […]
Is Your City Missing Middle Housing?
Middle housing building types play a critical role in the housing market and yet they’re underrepresented in the Utah market. This session will cover: what is Missing Middle Housing (MMH), availability in current housing stock, role of MMH for growth and attainability/affordability, and best practices. This session will include time for cities to share their […]