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APA UT Fall Conference Keynote Speakers

August 21, 2024 by Nicole Masson

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Thursday, Keynote:

Convict to Catalyst: Transforming Lives Through Accountability, with Dave Durocher

In “Convict to Catalyst,” Dave shares his compelling journey from drug dealer with extensive prison time to becoming a catalyst for change. He highlights how rigorous personal transformation and a culture of accountability at Delancey Street and now at The Other Side Academy in Salt Lake City—emphasizing work ethic, consistency, collaboration, and daily commitment—have led to remarkable outcomes. The Other Side Academy generates over $11 million annually and achieves a 72% success rate in keeping graduates drug-free, crime-free, and employed. Dave discusses how accountability can save lives and change behaviors, offering practical lessons for anyone seeking to inspire profound personal and organizational growth

Friday, Keynote:

Saying Yes to Housing Supply, Stability, and Subsidy, Shane Phillips the author of “The Affordable City: Strategies for Putting Housing Within Reach (and Keeping it There.)”

There’s no silver bullet for housing affordability; getting there requires a holistic approach, sustained over years, in collaboration with many partners. Shane Phillips, UCLA researcher and author of The Affordable City, shares a policy framework based on three priorities — Supply, Stability, and Subsidy — and discusses research and messaging to support their implementation.

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