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Recent APA Utah News & Events

Everything Happening in Utah's Planning Community

February 6, 2024
Featured Members
It Snowed In the Grandview Multipurpose Room, By Bruce Parker

The Grandview Multipurpose Room (Millcreek City Hall) experienced heavy snowfall in 90 minutes on Tuesday (1/30/2024).

February 6, 2024
APA Utah Legislative Position Statement

The Utah Chapter of the American Planning Association (APA UT) recognizes that housing is a statewide issue that requires action at both the state and local levels. We support a thoughtful and collaborative approach to finding a solution that considers our communities’ diverse needs.

January 22, 2024
Keys to a good staff report

What can we do to make our staff reports better? The following are several keys that I have found helpful in creating a good report. By Stephen Nelson

January 22, 2024
Collaboration- That’s What It’s All About And A Few More Bills

Bill about minimum lot size for all urban communities, eminent domain, water efficiency, and wildlife a planning bill.

November 27, 2023
Call For Session Proposals: APA UT Spring Conference 2024

The theme of this year’s Spring Conference is “Bridging The Gap Between Local Needs and State Growing Pains.” We are looking for sessions with a special emphasis on water, housing, transportation, land use planning, and legislative how-tos.Ā 

November 20, 2023
It’s Going To Be A Busy Session

The Legislative Audit Subcommittee released its report on Utah housing policy yesterday.Ā  The overall message that I got out of the report was, ā€œthereā€™s more that can be done, get going!ā€Ā  This reflects the attitude of Gov. Spencer Cox, as noted in previous posts, and that of legislative leadership.

November 6, 2023
Call For Spring Conference Committee

Looking for planners in Southern Utah who are interested in joining the Spring Conference Committee for the APA UT 24′ Cedar City Conference May 8-10th, 2023.

November 6, 2023
Call for APA UT Fall Conference 24′ Location

APA UT is onĀ  the lookout for an awesome event venue along the Wasatch Front to host our 24′ Fall Conference with space for 400 guests!

October 16, 2023
Cache County Housing Crisis Task Force Findings

Rising housing prices have been one of the most challenging problems faced by Planners in Utah.

October 2, 2023
September 11, 2023
Final Fall Conference Agenda And The Awards Reception Deadline Is Approaching

Final Agenda and Awards Reception Deadline Approaching

August 28, 2023
APA Utah
Get Out The Vote

Don’t forget to vote forĀ  the APA UT Treasurer and Secretary before September 8th, 2023.

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