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APA Utah Fall Conference Speaker

Hugh Van Wagenen

Active Transportation Planner
Wasatch Front Regional Council

A Utah native, Hugh has BS and MPA degrees from Brigham Young University and is currently employed by the Wasatch Front Regional Council as the Active Transportation Planner. Previously he spent six years with Lindon City as the Planning & Economic Development Director. Hugh caught the vision of bicycling during a three week, nearly 1,000 mile unsupported bike trip along the California coastline with three friends over 17 years ago. Today, his favorite bike activity is family rides around Provo, teaching his children transportation independence. He is a member of APA, CNU, and APBP.


How to get your community cycling »

2024 Spring Conference, May 8, 2024 2:45 pm

This session will discuss how to encourage cycling in your community by outlining the elements of a healthy bicycle ecosystem - elements such as best design practices low-stress bicycle routes; street connectivity; wayfinding; family-friendly amenities; bicycle parking; promotion through events, marketing, and encouragement; access to a local bicycle shop; and a robust safe routes to school program. We will explore partners to engage with in the work, including local advocacy groups, health departments, schools, and chambers of commerce. Ultimately, attendees will leave the session with options to pursue a healthier bicycle ecosystem in their community, taking on the element that they have interest in and resources to implement.

Active Transportation: Overcoming Barriers and Enabling Community Champions »

2023 Fall Conference, September 28, 2023 11:10 am

This session will focus on crossing the barriers that divide our communities for more connected biking and walking networks. It will also explore how to help enable active transportation community champions and the role of public health in keeping community at the center of the work.

Can a Bike Lane Be a Trail Too? »

2022 Fall Conference, September 9, 2022 1:15 pm

A protected bike lane provides physical separation between a bicyclist or pedestrian and traffic. In essence they turn a bike lane into a trail, providing a safe and comfortable riding place for all ages and abilities. While protected bike lanes are rapidly growing around the world in Utah they are just getting started. Ogden and Provo are two of Utah’s pioneers. This session will unpack the political, practical and financial issues and lessons that they sought to address and how things have unfolded to date.

Bicycling Cities: Next Steps in Utah’s Bicycle Evolution »

September 10, 2021 2:35 pm

The cities you know as bike meccas had to create those conditions. Can communities in Utah achieve similar results? Utah's obstacles to building bike infrastructure here are unique and will require customized strategies. Come join the roundtable to discuss key challenges and solutions. Let's share and network.

Critical City Design Elements to Know for Planning Commissioners »

September 10, 2021 1:40 pm

Planning Commissioners play a critical role in shaping growth, land development, neighborhoods, and downtowns. This session will cover the most important elements of planning and design for cities and land development. Every planning commissioner should be familiar with these areas and planning/design principles. The rapid fire presentations will be given by multiple professionals from various backgrounds. Topics to include: historic patterns, centers, active transportation, street networks, housing choices, parks, transect methodology, densities in the right place, walkability, and water wise design.

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