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APA Utah Fall Conference Speaker

Clint Spencer

Planning Manager
Herriman City

I am a Utah native growing up in Salt Lake Valley. I attended Utah State University (Go Aggies!) and graduated with an emphasis in GIS which led to my first job in Orem, UT. While working in Orem, I graduated from Indiana State University (online) with an MPA focusing on the effects of the built environment on health. Shortly after graduating, and after 14 years in Orem, I was fortunate to accept a planning job in Ogden, UT. Working in Ogden widened my view to historic preservation, and downtown revitalization and design. Living in Eagle Mountain and working in Ogden for almost five years literally “drove” me to new, closer employment with Herriman City where I have worked for the past year as the Planning Manager. As a planner I hope to help create, encourage, and enable places that have a positive effect on the quality of life of the residents I serve. I believe there is always a better way to build communities and try to implement that view in my day to day work. I am the proud father of 4, owner of a borderdoodle, and fortunate enough to have a wonderful wife. I’m the typical Utahn and love running, hiking, camping, biking and green jello (sort of, sometimes, maybe).


Annexation—State Law »

2022 Spring Conference, March 25, 2022 10:15 am

State Law (handout of steps), Heber and Herriman examples stressing the ability to negotiate while in an annexation process through a development agreement

= Keynote

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