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APA Utah Fall Conference Speaker

Sherrie Pace, AICP

Community Development Director
City of North Salt Lake

Sherrie Pace, AICP, is the Community Development Director for the city of North Salt Lake. Sherrie has been a land use planner in Utah for 26 years and has been with the City of North Salt Lake for 7 years. She is currently the Community Development Director. Previously she was the Community Development Director for Syracuse City, Planning & Development Services Director for Morgan County, as well a planner for Mountainland Association of Governments and Utah County. Sherrie served 8 years on the Utah APA Executive Committee as the rural and small cities representative and as Secretary. She has an undergraduate degree in Urban Planning and a Master’s in Public Administration, both from the University of Utah. Sherrie has extensive experience with Planned District Zoning and Development Agreements. The tool has been used extensively in North Salt Lake for the redevelopment of the town center and to address a variety of issues that come with development in today’s changing landscapes. She believes the city has obtained better quality developments when a collaborative approach is taken by planners, citizens, and land owners.


Zoning – Carrot vs. Stick »

2022 Fall Conference, September 9, 2022 10:10 am

Decade’s long planning practices show that most zoning ordinances in Utah, and nationwide, include PUD (or PRUD) standards which provide incentives such as increased density in exchange for improved (and unimproved) common area(s), better architectural design, etc., but these standards are often primarily limited to residential development. This session presents additional planning tools to encourage stronger commercial, mixed use, and residential projects to help achieve affordable housing goals, better mixed use, trails, open space, public improvements, and cutting-edge design. Such tools include mechanisms to meter residential development in mixed-use areas, a commercial equivalent to residential PUDs, development agreements, special exceptions as opposed to variances, finer grain density bonuses, increased building height allowances, TDRs, and more. Planners from Farmington City and North Salt Lake will discuss and present examples they have adopted and implemented in their respective communities.

= Keynote

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