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APA Utah Fall Conference Speaker

Ryan Beck

Vice President of Planning
Envision Utah

Ryan Beck began working with Envision Utah in 2008. He serves as the vice president of planning. Ryan was recently involved with Guiding Our Growth, a statewide conversation about Utah’s future as well as a land use review for attainable housing with DWS Housing and Community Development. Additionally, Ryan was involved with Envision Utah’s planning work for the Point of the Mountain, Valley Visioning, and Your Utah Your Future. Prior to working at Envision Utah, Ryan worked with a local private transportation planning firm. While there, he prepared city transportation plans and operated travel demand models. Ryan was involved with the Twin Falls Master Transportation Plan, Vision Dixie, and UTA/Brigham City Transit Feasibility Studies. Ryan’s education includes a B.A. in history from the University of Utah and a Master of Law and Policy from the Sturm College of Law at the University of Denver.


Strategies to Bring Housing Back within Reach »

2024 Spring Conference, May 9, 2024 2:50 pm

Utah faces a daunting challenge. Housing costs have risen dramatically in recent years, far outpacing wage growth. If current trends continue, up-and-coming Utahns will not have the same opportunities as prior generations to enter homeownership, have adequate space for a family, and build wealth. Causes of increasing costs range from high demand—both from a large generation of Utahns who are now in their 20s and 30s and from in-migration—to escalating land and materials costs, regulatory restrictions, and labor shortages. Please join us for a discussion on what we can do to help bring housing back within reach.

Housing affordability toolkit: what do cities have to do with it and tools to implement »

2023 Fall Conference, September 29, 2023 10:10 am

Housing affordability in Utah has eroded over the past few years, threatening Utahns’ peace of mind and financial security. Ordinances, codes, and policies can impede or promote housing affordability. At the direction of Housing and Community Development, Envision Utah worked with expert stakeholders in policy, land use, and housing to identify regulation types that impact housing affordability and attainability. Please join us for what is likely to be a lively discussion.

Guiding our Growth »

2023 Spring Conference, May 12, 2023 11:10 am

Utah was the fastest growing state in the nation between 2010 and 2020. Population is projected to increase from 3.4 million today to 5.5 million in 2060, a 63% increase. What makes Utah great is also what makes Utah grow. Utah's appeal means others move here and our children stay. Growth can threatened what makes Utah great if we don't plan for it. Utah cam remain a great place to live, but we must work together to protect or improve Utah's housing costs, water resources, transportation convenience, recreational opportunities, and sense of community. It's time to come together to guide our growth. Join us to learn about this statewide growth conversation, how you can participate, and how the input from Utahns will help shape the future of our state.  

Water in Planning: How Land Use Affects Water Use and How Utahns Feel About It »

2022 Fall Conference, September 8, 2022 1:15 pm

For years, Envision Utah has been facilitating community visioning efforts at geographies ranging from the entire state to the local community. In many of those processes, we've worked with water experts to model the water consumption impacts of different land use choices. We've also engaged the public to ask them how they prioritize water conservation and how far they're willing to go to reduce per capita use. This conference session will present the results of these various planning efforts. How much does density alone change water consumption, even without changes in landscaping? What level of landscaping changes will Utahns support? How do Utahns feel about landscaping changes versus other strategies, like shifting water from agriculture to urban uses?

= Keynote

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