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APA Utah Fall Conference Speaker

Emery Polelonema

board member
Utah Humanities

Emery is a distinguished member of the Hopi Nation. He served the Six-County Association of Governments as their planner (now retired) for many years. He has also served his church, First Baptist Church, Centerfield. Emery is a board member of Utah Humanities, an independent non-profit working to improve communities through humanitarian work. The work of Utah Humanities, and Emery as a board member, covers Utah, focusing on literature, heritage, education, conversations, and local humanitarian goals. Emery lives in Richfield with his wife, Lillie (a member of the Navajo Nation).



2023 Fall Conference, September 29, 2023 2:40 pm

APA recently updated the Planner’s Code of Ethics. The Code now requires planners to proactively achieve respect, social justice, and inclusion for all planning participants. These principles include examining our own cultures, practices, values, and positions to understand our biases and privileges and to be conscious of the rights of others through inclusive, respectful, and compassionate planning. These are issues with long and sad histories that we continue to grapple with. The panelists will dig deep into specific actions we can all take, whether as professionals or citizen planners, to ensure our behaviors and all planning processes and outcomes have their foundations to achieve equity, equality, inclusion, and justice for all societal members.

= Keynote

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