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APA Utah Fall Conference Speaker

Grace Patrick

Shared Stewardship Coordinator
Utah's Division of Forestry Fire & State Lands

Grace Patrick is the Shared Stewardship Coordinator with Utah’s Division of Forestry Fire & State Lands. After receiving her JD from Vermont Law School, Grace came to Utah and started working for Park City Municipal Corporation in the City Attorney’s Office practicing municipal law. She then began her work in natural resource management and hazardous fuels treatments while working with the Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office. Grace became the Shared Stewardship Coordinator in 2022. Utah Shared Stewardship seeks to improve forest health and reduce wildfire risk through landscape scale, cross boundary treatments that prioritize communities and watersheds



In Utah’s Forests, Management Makes the Difference »

2023 Spring Conference, May 10, 2023 2:45 pm

Active forest management is needed in Utah to reduce the likelihood of undesirable fires, improve forest health, improve wildlife habitat, protect infrastructure improvements and increase public safety. Years of fire suppression and fire exclusion have contributed to the current unhealthy forest conditions as have years of limited funding for vegetation treatments and frequent litigation by environmental groups. Session attendees will learn what forest managers are doing to restore forest health in Utah.

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