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APA Utah Fall Conference Speaker

Alison Lewis

Landscape Architect and Urban Designer

A landscape architect and urban designer, Alison thinks holistically about site design from street furnishings to regional planning efforts. Her process includes identifying ways to celebrate a place’s cultural identity, while being sensitive to environmental constraints. With extensive public outreach experience, Alison’s great love is learning from community members what their vision is for a place and incorporating these collective stories into the final design in meaningful ways.


The Vernal Downtown Plan—Modeling a Walkable Community that Celebrates Cultural Identity and Place »

2022 Spring Conference, March 24, 2022 9:35 am

Vernal’s Downtown Plan, recently completed in October 2021, focuses on thirteen blocks surrounding the intersection of Main St. (HWY 40) and Vernal Ave. (HWY 191). The City initiated this planning effort because although Vernal’s Downtown character is both historic and charming, there are many vacant storefronts and evenings are relatively quiet. Additionally, these two major road corridors are noisy and due to the large volume of semi-trucks, can feel unsafe. This plan identifies strategies that aim to draw visitors and residents into the downtown and out of their cars to shop, dine and socialize. Through extensive public engagement and coordination with UDOT, this plan incorporates the diverse feedback received into a conceptual plan, design guidelines and implementation strategy. This presentation will cover the nine-month design process and actions taken by the city following its completion. You will hear from members of the design team and Vernal’s City Manager.

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