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APA Utah Fall Conference Speaker

Tony Kohler, AICP

Planning Director
Heber City

Tony Kohler grew up in Utah’s Heber Valley and moved to Washington State in the early 1990s. He graduated from Central Washington University with a degree in Geography and minor in Environmental Studies in 1997, after which he returned to Heber Valley to work with the Wasatch County Planning Department. He moved to the Heber City Planning Department in 2001 and helped prepare the City for the Olympics and served in the capacity of Code Enforcement, later moving to the Senior Planner position. After graduating from the University of Utah with an MPA, he obtained the AICP credential from the American Planning Association and began serving in the capacity of Planning Director with Heber City in 2011. Since Tony joined the City in 2001, the City has more than doubled in population to nearly 17,000 and has recently seen tremendous growth as well with non-residential development. Given all of the growth pressure, the City recognized the pressing need to update its general plan in 2018, entitled Envision Heber 2050, and is currently continuing to update its codes and policies to align with the vision espoused by the new general plan. Tony is passionate about promoting great places and is excited to assist the City in moving forward with its new CRA, plans for creating a destination downtown and the plans for a new town center in the future North Village. Tony is married to Trina, has four children, a black and white lab, and lives in the Heber Valley where he enjoys snow and water skiing, fishing, hiking and playing guitar.


Consultants – When do you need them? »

2022 Fall Conference, September 9, 2022 1:15 pm

Many communities struggle to get to updating their community vision/general plan, find it difficult to fix their ordinances, and sometimes are just inundated with so much work that it is hard to keep up. Should they just be hiring more staff or employing consultants on temporary basis to help them out. Learn perspectives from both sides - the community side and the consultant side.

Annexation—State Law »

2022 Spring Conference, March 25, 2022 10:15 am

State Law (handout of steps), Heber and Herriman examples stressing the ability to negotiate while in an annexation process through a development agreement

The Heber Vision, General Plan and Ordinance Work »

September 10, 2021 10:10 am

Learn about the importance of Visioning in your general planning process through the Heber Vision/General Plan story. Consider this innovative planning process that can work for your community.

= Keynote

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