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APA Utah Fall Conference Speaker

Erik Kingston

Housing Resources Coordinator
Idaho Housing and Finance Association

Erik is a certified Professional Community and Economic Developer and Idaho Access Project Board Member. He created IHFA’s Housing Information Referral Center and Housing Hotline in 1998 and coordinates statewide program, strategic planning and outreach initiatives. Erik represents IHFA on the Idaho Rural Partnership (IRP) board, Community Review Team, Western Community Assessment Network (WeCAN), and Idaho Fair Housing Forum. He teaches Housing as a Second Language and Creating Accessible Communities at the NW Community Development Institute and is a long-time Idaho Community Review team member. Erik created and manages content for and


Plan ahead, not behind: Creating accessible, cost-effective homes and neighborhoods »

2023 Fall Conference, September 29, 2023 3:50 pm

We all share basic values for independence, stability, and social connections and mobility. And everyone is painfully aware of the current housing crisis impacting families and communities. But the way we plan, design, and build single-family residential neighborhoods doesn’t reflect either our shared values or housing interests. We’re currently building whole neighborhoods of new housing that is inaccessible to anyone with a mobility related disability. This increases housing costs—through a 'disability surcharge' required to retrofit an inaccessible home—and isolates people from their neighbors and community. This panel features experts—from Idaho and Utah—in housing design, modification, affordability and accessibility. We’ll focus on the benefits of Visitability standards in new residential development and engage with participants to explore how we can create housing for the whole community. (featuring the Idaho Access Project, Idaho Housing and Finance Association, and Assist Utah).

= Keynote

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