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APA Utah Fall Conference Speaker

John Janson, AICP

Planning Solutions

John M. Janson graduated from the University of Utah in 1975 with a degree in Geography. He received a Master of City and Regional Planning from the Ohio State University in 1977. Having worked as a consultant and then in Davis County, Utah, the majority of his career was with West Valley City, Utah, where he was employed as the Planning Director for 25 of his 30 years there. As a frequent local conference speaker, and having performed consultant projects throughout the State, he has significant exposure to regional and city issues. His consulting work includes: general plans, area studies, Form Based Codes (the Utah Template), and general ordinance updates and implementation. He served on the Millcreek Township Planning Commission and helped the recently incorporated community create their first General Plan and update their ordinances. Currently he is working several communities on their ordinances and general plans.


Updating Ordinance Priorities and Processing Options you might not be aware of! »

2023 Fall Conference, September 29, 2023 3:50 pm

With so many changes to State Law over the past 15 years, are you keeping up? Seems almost impossible to update our ordinances every year because of the State Law changes, but with some focus, it can be done. Consider prioritizing the bigger updates, one bit at a time. Suggestions from a past planning director/consulting planner will cover subdivisions, Conditional Uses, Site plan/Permitted uses, BOA to AA, Landscaping, and processing options.

Handle with Care: Planning Commission Meeting Management »

2023 Fall Conference, September 29, 2023 2:40 pm

Planning Commission's are a vital piece of orderly development within your community. From public hearings vs. public meetings to administrative vs. legislative decision-making—join us in discussing strategies and stories that highlight how to best manage your meetings and ensure efficiency and consistency in your process.

Land Use Jeopardy »

2023 Fall Conference, September 29, 2023 11:10 am

Pick a topic, any topic, and learn about the planning principles involved, related court cases, and best practices from the state’s ombudsman and two “experienced” planners.

Local Funding Opportunities »

2023 Fall Conference, September 28, 2023 2:00 pm

Seems like the potential to obtain funding for your local planning and capital project needs has expanded and gotten more confusing over the past couple of years. Learn from your local regional association about the dollars they manage as well as potential funding from the State. Recent planning dollars have become available for local communities to update their ordinances, general plans, and enhance Main Streets, but there is also funding available for infrastructure, trails, roads, and training. Learn from the people who manage funding a variety of programs.

Your Turn – ask those burning questions »

2022 Fall Conference, September 9, 2022 3:40 pm

Did your last PC meeting leave you wondering about an unresolved issue? Did you attend a session at the conference where you wanted to ask a question but the time was up? Bend the ear of three practitioners that just might have an answer for you!

= Keynote

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