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APA Utah Fall Conference Speaker

Karson Eilers

Policy Director
Utah League of Cities and Towns

After graduating from East High School (in Salt Lake City), he joined the Americorps National Civilian Community Corps where he volunteered with natural disaster response organizations including FEMA and the American Red Cross for a year. He and his team helped communities across the country recover from and prepare for natural disasters, including Hurricane Sandy. Upon returning home, Karson enrolled in classes at Westminster College. He quickly began working for the school’s Katherine W. Dumke Center for Civic Engagement and during his sophomore year, he obtained a grant to introduce computer programming courses into after-school centers in South Salt Lake. Throughout his college career, Karson also worked as the project coordinator for a multi-million dollar National Science Foundation grant that improved pedagogical methods for computer science classes across the state. During his final semester at Westminster, he interned in the Utah House of Representatives. Karson graduated Cum Laude in May of 2017, with a BA in economics and a minor in political science. In his limited free time, Karson enjoys reading, outdoor adventure sports, and spending time with his friends and family.


Strategies to Bring Housing Back within Reach »

2024 Spring Conference, May 9, 2024 2:50 pm

Utah faces a daunting challenge. Housing costs have risen dramatically in recent years, far outpacing wage growth. If current trends continue, up-and-coming Utahns will not have the same opportunities as prior generations to enter homeownership, have adequate space for a family, and build wealth. Causes of increasing costs range from high demand—both from a large generation of Utahns who are now in their 20s and 30s and from in-migration—to escalating land and materials costs, regulatory restrictions, and labor shortages. Please join us for a discussion on what we can do to help bring housing back within reach.

Got SUBS? »

2023 Fall Conference, September 29, 2023 10:10 am

Come learn about how to comply with the new state provisions for subdivisions for Single Family, Two Family and Townhomes. Todd Godfrey and Karson Eilers from the League of Cities and Towns will let you know about resources available to help you implement the updates and answer any questions you may have.

How to plat, how not to plat, that is the question. Life after SB 174 and HB 406 »

2023 Spring Conference, May 12, 2023 11:10 am

Come learn about all the new subdivision and development standards in SB 174 and HB406 that passed this session. ULCT staff will walk you through the changes and the new deadlines that every municipality must meet. All municipalities are subject to the changes so come one come all.

Legislative bills and my role »

2023 Spring Conference, May 12, 2023 9:25 am

This session will be a follow up the legislative update. Come with questions on this year’s legislative bill and see why as a planning commissioner you should care about the bills and your role with the legislature. Karson Eilers and Meg Ryan of ULCT will navigate the new laws with you and talk about how you can get involved in the legislative process.

Short-Term Rentals »

2023 Spring Conference, May 10, 2023 1:50 pm

Brace yourself for the non-stop thrill ride that is short-term rentals. Join Utah League of Cities and Towns’ Karson Eilers, Sandy City’s Brynn Bohlender, and Hurricane City’s Fred Resch on a journey beginning with the latest updates from the state legislature and ending with what two of Utah’s most robust Cities are doing to meet the challenge. Questions for our panelists include: how are short-term rentals impacting your community? What have been the real community benefits? What tools are you using to process and manage short-term rental applications and permits? If these are not your burning questions, come stump our all-star panel of experts with your own! All this, and more, at Short-term Rental All Stars!

= Keynote

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