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APA Utah Fall Conference Speaker

Craig Call

Executive Director
Utah Land Use Institute

Craig Call is an attorney and executive director of the Utah Land Use Institute. He was the private property rights ombudsman for the State of Utah from 1997-2007. Craig served in the Utah Legislature and the Provo Utah City Council. He authored Ground Rules: Your Handbook to Utah Land Use Regulation (2005, 2021), the comprehensive Utah Law of Eminent Domain (2008, 2018) and other texts. He has practiced law for private clients and served as a city attorney, arguing cases before both the Utah Supreme Court and the Utah Court of Appeals. Craig currently serves as land use appeals hearing officer for ten Utah cities and counties. In 2019 he was named the Utah Bar Real Property Practitioner of the Year.


Defending Land Use Decisions »

2023 Spring Conference, May 11, 2023 1:30 pm

The Utah Supreme Court has spoken several times in the past five years in response to challenges to local administrative decisions. Based on these opinions, how do we make sure that our administrative records stand up to challenges? What does the staff need to do to make sure the local land use authority's decisions are bulletproof?

Land Use Training »

2022 Spring Conference, March 24, 2022 9:35 am

Land Use Ethics for Planners »

September 10, 2021 3:30 pm

This session will explore real-world scenarios where those involved can discuss appropriate responses to ethical issues.

Ombudsman – 15 years of Advisory Opinions »

September 9, 2021 3:30 pm

In 2006 the Utah Legislature charged the Office of the Property Rights Ombudsman with resolving land use disputes by preparing advisory opinions on land use law when asked to do so by a party. This session will discuss an overview of the issues resolved by the 235 opinions published in the first fifteen years as well as a general discussion on land use law topics raised by the audience.

= Keynote

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