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APA Utah Fall Conference Speaker

Brynn Bohlender

Planning and zoning technician
Sandy City

Brynn is the planning and zoning technician for Sandy City. In this role, Brynn restructured the short-term rental application requirements and procedures on behalf of property owners and residents. She enjoys creating user-friendly educational materials for residents who would like to obtain short-term rentals permits and working with other staff members to keep the processes efficient and up to date with legislative changes. She is currently finishing her degree in political science and public administration at Utah Valley University and has been working for Sandy City for over four years.


Short-Term Rentals »

2023 Spring Conference, May 10, 2023 1:50 pm

Brace yourself for the non-stop thrill ride that is short-term rentals. Join Utah League of Cities and Towns’ Karson Eilers, Sandy City’s Brynn Bohlender, and Hurricane City’s Fred Resch on a journey beginning with the latest updates from the state legislature and ending with what two of Utah’s most robust Cities are doing to meet the challenge. Questions for our panelists include: how are short-term rentals impacting your community? What have been the real community benefits? What tools are you using to process and manage short-term rental applications and permits? If these are not your burning questions, come stump our all-star panel of experts with your own! All this, and more, at Short-term Rental All Stars!

= Keynote

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