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APA Utah News & Events

Landslide Mobile Tour

May 9, 2024 9:30 am
2024 Spring Conference

This mobile tour includes a drive up scenic Cedar Canyon to visit the problematic SR-14 landslide at milepost 8. Reports of landslide activity near milepost 8 on SR-14 date back to at least 1906. In recent decades, large landslides in 1989 and 2011 destroyed significant parts of SR-14, disrupting a critical regional transportation corridor. Since the reconstruction of SR-14 in 2012, persistent, relatively minor slumping and cracking of the roadway near the east flank of the 2011 slide have occurred requiring regular maintenance. More recently, in late spring of 2023, a 6-acre landslide formed near the west margin of the landslide complex that forced road closure for several hours. We will discuss the history of the SR-14 landslide and the value of recognizing landslide and rockfall hazards prior to development.



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