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APA Utah News & Events

Cache County’s Housing Affordability Task Force

September 8, 2022 2:30 pm
2022 Fall Conference

In April of this year, Cache County Executive David Zook launched a countywide task force to address the issue of housing affordability in the Cache Valley. As in much of the rest of the state, rapidly increasing costs were making housing unaffordable for the majority of the area’s residents. What were the causes, and what might be done about it?

The task force was comprised of a broad cross-section of valley political and business leaders, subject experts and academics, and planners. The group identified several key issues of concern and divided into working groups to address them. The results were reported at the Cache Valley Summit at the end of June. Three main issues were focused on, which Cache leaders say they will now work on to help with future housing affordability. The process used in Cache County will serve as somewhat of a model for a series of land use issues workshops to be held around the state during the next year, funded by the state legislature. In this session, David Zook will describe the Cache task force process, and the conclusions about what to do that were reached.



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