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APA Utah News & Events

Buckskin Hills Recreation Complex and Gun Range Tour

May 12, 2023 10:15 am
2023 Spring Conference

Uintah County applied for a land grant from the BLM for the purpose of building a shooting range and a motorized recreation facility. The county applied for the land grant under the provisions of the Recreation and Public Purposes Act. The application included plans to develop over 2000 acres of land into a multiple-use recreation park and a shooting range, which would all be managed by Uintah County. The patents for the property were given to Uintah County on the condition that the county would follow certain stipulations regarding the use of the land. Uintah County has since sought to develop the property in accordance with the patents. The property, which was named “Buckskin Hills”, is now a common place for outdoor recreation activities, shooting guns, and other events. This Mobile tour will deal with how the land was obtained from the BLM and how the County is working with user groups to develop the property in accordance with the conditions placed on the property by the BLM. The tour will include both the shooting range and the recreation complex.



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