Premium Member Types
Core Emerging | Core | Institution | Associate* | Investor* | Affiliate* |
Core members with 10 or fewer employees and within the first two years of formation.
The company cannot have been a BioUtah member in the previous 12 months. |
Organizations involved in research, development or manufacturing of biological materials, devices, or software. Also includes consulting firms offering bioscience expertise. | Institutions or nonprofit avencies interested in the life science industry.
(i.e. universities, educational institutions, non-profits, government) |
Organizations that sell to and/or provide services to or otherwise have an interest in the life sciences industry. | Organizations including venture capital, angel, institutions, buy-side or sell-side analysis, or investment bankers. | Organizations that share an interest in developing a strong ecosystem of support for the life sciences. Companies may not have employees in Utah. |
$250/year | $400/year | $500/year | $500/year | $500/year | $2,500/year |
Premium Member Benefits
Annual membership for all employees within your organization |
Member discounted rate for all employees to BioUtah specific sponsored events (see events calendar for relevant details) |
Access to online resources, network & member database |
Unlimited complementary free job listings on Job Board |
Monthly Newsletter |
Access to archive of articles, white papers, newsletters, presentations, etc. |
Listing in BioUtah Life Science Directory |
Cost savings through BioSolutions Discount Program |
Member-to-Member discounts |
Access to Group HR, Health, and Employee Benefits Program |
Premium Membership Fee Schedule
Number of Employees1-56-1516-4950-99100-199200-499500-2,4992,500+
Core Emerging$250$250******Core Member$400$650$900$1,500$2,300$3,500$5,000$7,000Institution Member$500$500$500$1,250$2,000$5,000$5,000$5,000Associate Member$500$750$1,000$1,500$2,000$2,500$2,500$2,500Investor Member$500$750$1,000$1,500$2,000$2,500$2,500$2,500Affiliate Member**$2,500$2,500$2,500$2,500$2,500$2,500$2,500$2,500
* Emerging Membership levels not available to companies with more than 10 employees
**Affiliate Members may have no employees in Utah.