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Legislative Affairs

Affecting Utah Planning Policy

The APA Utah Legislative Committee is a standing committee of the Chapter under the direction of the Chapter Executive Committee.  Much of what planners, planning commissioners, and elected officials do in community planning and land use regulation is dictated by state law, the Legislative Committee provides a way for Chapter members to have a role in the development of  state policies and codes. 

Legislative Involvement

The Legislative Committee serves as the Chapter’s primary vehicle for influencing land use legislation by monitoring bills, testifying and commenting in legislative committee hearings, distributing information on proposed legislation to, and educating state legislators and staff. The Legislative Committee serves Chapter membership throughout the year by providing legislative updates during the session and educating planners on new legislation that impacts the planning community.

Additionally, Legislative Committee works closely with allied policy groups such as the Utah League of Cities and Towns and the Utah Association of Counties to provide important practitioner perspectives to shape public policy.

Land Use Task Force

Legislative Committee members also participate on the Land Use Task Force, a group composed of local government officials and representatives of the real estate development and building industries, to address issues and work out proposals for action, either legislatively or through local collaboration. LC members frequently advocate for policies consistent with APA Utah and National APA positions on important planning issues.

Get Involved

If you would like to be involved with Legislative Committee or have legislative questions please contact Wilf Sommerkorn or Zachary Smallwood.

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