ULI is holding a unique training opportunity on the 17th

This training qualifies for the 3-hour required training for planning commissioners under Utah State Law. 

UrbanPlan for Public Officials – Murray Workshop

Date: Friday, November 17th,  8:00 am- 1:00 pm 

Location: Murray City Hall, 10 E 4800 S, Murray, UT 84107

Registration Link: https://netforum.uli.org/eweb/DynamicPage.aspx?webcode=EvtRedirectorTL&Reg_evt_key=058fbc88-c1e0-4dd9-955b-740b824cee66

The Urban Land Institute of Utah invites you to a realistic and engaging workshop about real estate and land use. The Urban Land Institute’s (ULI) UrbanPlan workshop participants experience challenging issues, private and public sector roles, complex trade-offs, and fundamental economics in play when proposing realistic land use solutions to vexing growth challenges.

This workshop is ideal for local decision-makers who would like to learn more about the fundamental forces that shape and affect the built environment and the important leadership roles that elected and appointed officials play in the real estate development process.

UrbanPlan is a half-day simulation of a planning process involving teams that work together using Legos, a site plan, and a spreadsheet to respond to a fictional RFP for the neighborhood of Elmwood in the city of Yorktown. Teams must decide how dense to build out a 5 ½ block area, whether to keep or move a homeless shelter, what type of retail is appropriate, and which neighborhood groups to keep happy – all while meeting the financial projections of the City and the Developer (your boss). The workshop wraps up with teams presenting to a mock City Council that will award the project to the team with the best proposal.


  • November 17, 2023
    8:00 am - 5:00 pm