Legislative Update 1.5 Law CM
2020 Utah Legislative Update
Land Use and a bit more…
11:30 am – 1:00 pm
April 14, 2020
On-line ZOOM meeting
Time once again for the ever-popular Planners’ Legislative Update!
From affordable housing to subdivision plats, from eminent domain to
annexations, lots happened in this session that you need to know about. Join us!
This year, due to extraordinary circumstances, the update will be held as a
ZOOM meeting. Computer access is required in order to see the presentation.
Your navigation team:
Wilf Sommerkorn, APA Utah Legislative Co-Chair
Angela Price, APA Utah Legislative Co-Chair
Meg Ryan, Utah League of Cities and Towns
Victoria Ashby, Utah League of Cities and Towns
Join Zoom Meeting by clicking on this link on April 14.
Computer access only no phone lines on this meeting.
For more information, please contact:
Susie Petheram, APA Utah Programs Chair spetheram@ffkr.com
Meg Ryan, ULCT and LUAU mryan@ulct.org
Venue: Online
2020 Legislative Update
April 14, 2020
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm