Explore the Jordan River Parkway Part 2 : Murray-Taylorsville Paddling Tour
Part 2 will include paddling a scenic stretch of the Jordan River from Winchester Park, located at 1250 W Winchester (approximately 6700 South) to Little Cottonwood Creek Confluence at Little Confluence Trailhead Park, located at 677 W 4800 South. Participants will learn about current efforts underway to address water quality, open space preservation, restoration, weed […]
The Power of Planners and Planning
We are all struggling with the challenges of this time in history. The environmental, social and political challenges are all acute – both nationally and at the local level throughout Utah. In this moment planners have never been more important! Becker will talk about the role we might now play and how we might “lean […]
The Asset-Based Community Development Institute Training
Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) is a strategy for sustainable community-driven development. The appeal of ABCD for planners lies in its premise that planners can facilitate communities to drive the development process themselves by identifying and mobilizing existing, but often unrecognized assets, and thereby responding to and creating local opportunities. The six assets we will […]
Re-Envisioning Intermountain West Cemeteries
The Re-Envisioning of Intermountain West Cemeteries aims to create environmentally rich, thoughtfully planned, walkable green spaces that celebrate the macro (community) and micro (individual) history of an area. This is done in three parts: 1. Planning, through policies and procedure to ensure cities allow for best practices; 2. Landscaping, creating water-wise, eco-beneficial landscapes that highlight […]
Housing Tools 101 For Elected and Appointed Officials
IZ? TOD w/MIHP? Confused? Let’s decipher the acronyms into action! Come to a rapid fire introduction to the housing programs, and tools to consider in your community.
Disaster Resilience in Utah
Members of the Utah Division of Emergency Management’s (DEM) Mitigation and Recovery team will be discussing disaster resilience, what it means for Utah, and how planners can leverage existing resources and opportunities to develop comprehensive resilience plans for their communities.
The Heber Vision, General Plan and Ordinance Work
Learn about the importance of Visioning in your general planning process through the Heber Vision/General Plan story. Consider this innovative planning process that can work for your community.
Planning for Utah’s New Climate
2021’s heat and extreme weather have been a wake-up call, but experts say in fact Utah’s climate has undergone a long-term change. What will this change mean for communities? How can we prepare for it? What will it mean for our economy, for the environment and how people live their lives? Can we do anything […]
How Are We Doing? Updates on Moderate Income Housing Plans and Accessory Dwelling Unit Ordinances
October 1st triggers the compliance date for HB82 internal accessory dwelling units. Open discussion to share implementation and discussion with fellow members. December 1 triggers the reporting requirement for submittal of the Moderate Income Housing Plan. We will share resources and provide any updates on the form and what changes may occur in 2022. Come […]
Dark Sky Planning along the Wasatch Front
Utah has become the leader of dark-sky tourism in the world and many national and state parks have been certified “dark sky” parks, including two rural communities. However, continued urban growth will increasingly threaten Utah’s remote places’ ability to retain their dark skies despite their steward’s best efforts. This session will explore strategies that urban […]
Fairbourne Station – Mobile Workshop
Come learn about and tour Fairbourne Station, West Valley City’s downtown. During this mobile workshop participants will learn about the genesis of Fairbourne Station and tour the mix of office, residential, hospitality, medical, and civic uses that are the result of many years of redevelopment efforts. Learn how the City’s involvement in this development has […]
Explore the Jordan River Parkway Part 1 : Big Bend Preserve Walking Tour
The Jordan River is a unique river and watershed. It is 50 miles in length, connecting Utah’s two largest water bodies — from Utah Lake to the Great Salt Lake. Over the past two decades the cities, counties, special service districts, and state and federal agencies that have regulatory and jurisdictional oversight of the river […]