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Category Archives: Policy/Legislative

APA UT- Fall Conference Agenda

Grab your draft agenda today!

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Land Use Legislative Update

APA UT and ULCT invite you to the annual Land Use Legislative Update on March 15, 9-11am.

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APA Utah Legislative Position Statement

The Utah Chapter of the American Planning Association (APA UT) recognizes that housing is a statewide issue that requires action at both the state and local levels. We support a thoughtful and collaborative approach to finding a solution that considers our communities’ diverse needs.

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Collaboration- That’s What It’s All About And A Few More Bills

Bill about minimum lot size for all urban communities, eminent domain, water efficiency, and wildlife a planning bill.

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It’s Going To Be A Busy Session

The Legislative Audit Subcommittee released its report on Utah housing policy yesterday.  The overall message that I got out of the report was, “there’s more that can be done, get going!”  This reflects the attitude of Gov. Spencer Cox, as noted in previous posts, and that of legislative leadership.

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