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APA Utah Awards

DEADLINE EXTENDED: Call For Awards Nominations

The Utah Chapter of the American Planning Association is looking to recognize and honor planning efforts across the State. As part of this process, we encourage each entity that has undertaken or completed a planning effort over the last year (July 31, 2023 to  July 7, 2024) submit the projects they have been working on.

Award winners will be honored during the APA UT fall conference in Provo, Utah. Project award winners will be invited to lead a follow-up educational session in 2025.

Deadline Extended: The nomination window will close on July 21 @ midnight!

If you have any questions about submitting, please reach out to Jason Boal –

Submit here

Award Descriptions

1) Public Outreach Award 
The Public Outreach award honors a plan, project or process that meaningfully engaged the public through information, consultation, coordination, collaboration and/or empowerment means.

2a) Outstanding Plan Award (Rural)
The Outstanding Plan award honors a written plan that advances the science and art of planning or brings awareness of the benefits of good planning. (Has to be adopted)

2b) Outstanding Plan Award (Urban)
The Outstanding Plan award honors a written plan that advances the science and art of planning or brings awareness of the benefits of good planning. (Has to be adopted)

2c) Outstanding Plan Award (Multi-Jurisdiction)
The Outstanding Plan award honors a written plan that advances the science and art of planning or brings awareness of the benefits of good planning. (Has to be adopted)

3) Planning Tool or Implementation Award
The Planning Tool and Implementation Award honors a specific planning tool, practice, program, project, process, or effort that has accomplished positive changes

4) George Smeath Planning Student Award
Awarded to a student enrolled in an academic planning program in Utah for outstanding achievement during the nominee’s academic career. This may be awarded to a student during enrollment in a planning program or within 2 years of graduation.

5) Ted Knowlton Planning Leadership Award
Awarded to a professional planner OR Elected Official in recognition of significant and unique contributions to the profession through distinguished practice while employed/volunteering in Utah.

6) Morris Johnson Award
Awarded to an individual who has made significant and unique contributions to planning in Utah over an extended period. This is a Lifetime Achievement Award with nominations to come from the APA Utah Executive Board.

7) Gene Moser Award
Awarded to a person who is neither a professional planner nor an elected official for a significant contribution to excellence in planning. Nominees may be a commissioner, member of a development board, other appointed official or interested citizen, living, and working in Utah.

8) Gene Carr Award
Awarded to an individual for outstanding contributions to planning education or training in Utah. This person does not need to be a professional planner.

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