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APA Utah Mission-Vision

APA Utah provides vision and leadership for the future development and re-development of Utah communities. We are the state affiliate of the American Planning Association and have over 500 APA members statewide. Our members work in long-range planning and development review; in master planning, as well as site planning; in transportation planning, land use planning, historic preservation, recreation and federal lands planning, environmental planning, urban design, legislative and policy work and in many other capacities related to the overarching goal of the American Planning Association – “Creating Great Communities For All”.


APA Utah’s mission is to

  1. Encourage and foster the principles of visioning and planning for a better future
  2. Provide a wide range of educational opportunities for professional planners, citizen planners, and others involved in shaping our communities
  3. Represent APA Utah Chapter members in matters related to the national organization of the American Planning Association.

APA Utah provides for networking and sharing of ideas, dissemination of relevant information, and promotes and supports research and publications related to planning, community development, policy and other related subjects. APA Utah furthers the purposes of the American Planning Association.

APA Utah provides leadership in the development of resilient, inclusive, sustainable and equitable communities for all by supporting and promoting excellence in planning and public policy, providing opportunities for professional development and education, providing tools and training for our citizen planners and public officials, and empowering all who work to protect and enhance the natural and built environment in Utah.

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